how do i properly code a formula with multiple summations in matlab?

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hello this is my first ever question here,
somewhat new to using Matlab
i'm trying to recreate a figure of :The Average Uplink Spectral Efficiency as a function of the number of Bse Station antennas M for different channel models. i'm struggling particularly with the NLOS (no line of sight) scenario, it's formula contains multiple summations and when applied in matlab, i think my lack of understanding when it comes to arrays and nested loops made me unable to replicate the results desired, which are shown in the pics blow:
(the parameters needed are provided below the figure)
i feel such a formula should be rudimentry in application yet here i am struggling with it ...
FOR MORE CONTEXT, THE PAPER THIS IS FROM IS: (( Emil Björnson, Jakob Hoydis and Luca Sanguinetti (2017), “Massive
MIMO Networks: Spectral, Energy, and Hardware Efficiency”, Foundations and Trends R
in Signal Processing: Vol. 11, No. 3-4, pp 154–655. DOI: 10.1561/2000000093. ))
had no issues regarding the LOS and lower_bound plots so you can ignore those
below is my best attempt at ploting NLOS:
i apologize in advance for the bad grammer, and of course all help is appreciated greatly!
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% parameters:
M = 1:100; % Number of BS antennas
SNR0_dB = 0; % SNR of the desired UE (in dB)
SNR0 = 10.^(SNR0_dB/10); % SNR of desired UE (in linear scale)
beta_bar_dB = -10; % Inter-cell interference strength (in dB)
beta_bar = 10.^(beta_bar_dB/10); % Inter-cell interference strength (in linear scale)
% % % Average SE in NLOS, formula (1.29) on page (184)
% sum1= zeros(size(M));sum2= zeros(size(M));sum3= length(size(M));
A = 1./( (1-1/beta_bar).^M );
A = A-1;
B = exp(1./(SNR0*beta_bar)).*expint(1./(SNR0*beta_bar));
C = A.*B;
C = C/log(2);
for m = 1:length(M)
for L = 0:M-m
for n = 1:L
for j = 0:n-1
sum3 = sum3 + 1/(factorial(j) .* (SNR0).^j) ;
sum2 = sum2 + (1/n)*sum3 ;
sum3 = 0 ;
D = (exp(1./SNR0).*expint(1./SNR0));
E = D + sum2;
sum1 = sum1 +(( (-1).^(M-m-L+1) ).* E )./...
( ((1 - 1./beta_bar).^m) .*...
( factorial(M-m-L) .* SNR0.^(M-m-L) .* beta_bar.*log(2) ) );
SE_NLOS = C .* sum1;
% figure
plot(M, SE_NLOS,'green');
xlabel('Number of BS antennas (M)');
ylabel('Average SE (bits/s/Hz)');
  2 个评论
Torsten 2023-5-17
编辑:Torsten 2023-5-17
I don't understand how the graphics can be for SNR_0 = 0 dB while this variable appears in the denominator of various expressions.
Fares Zaritt
Fares Zaritt 2023-5-17
i remember i too was confused by this before. although (the signal to noise ratio) SNR0_dB = 0 dB, the SNR0 value used in calculation is in linear scale : SNR0 = 10^(SNR0_dB/10) = 1, we always convert from dB to linear scale ( when calculating using these formulas ), so the only way for SNR0 to equal 0 in calculation is for SNR0_dB to be a large negative value (e.g -∞)
in my code i did convert it at the start under parameters (also gave beta_bar the same treatment) :
SNR0_dB = 0; % SNR of the desired UE (in dB)
SNR0 = 10.^(SNR0_dB/10); % SNR of desired UE (in linear scale)
beta_bar_dB = -10; % Inter-cell interference strength (in dB)
beta_bar = 10.^(beta_bar_dB/10); % Inter-cell interference strength (in linear scale)



Torsten 2023-5-17
% parameters:
M_array = 1:100; % Number of BS antennas
SNR0_dB = 0; % SNR of the desired UE (in dB)
SNR0 = 10.^(SNR0_dB/10); % SNR of desired UE (in linear scale)
beta_bar_dB = -10; % Inter-cell interference strength (in dB)
beta_bar = 10.^(beta_bar_dB/10); % Inter-cell interference strength (in linear scale)
% % % Average SE in NLOS, formula (1.29) on page (184)
% sum1= zeros(size(M));sum2= zeros(size(M));sum3= length(size(M));
for kk = 1:numel(M_array)
M = M_array(kk);
A = 1./( (1-1/beta_bar).^M );
A = A-1;
B = exp(1./(SNR0*beta_bar)).*expint(1./(SNR0*beta_bar));
C = A.*B;
C = C/log(2);
for m = 1:M
for L = 0:M-m
for n = 1:L
for j = 0:n-1
sum3 = sum3 + 1/(factorial(j) .* (SNR0).^j) ;
sum2 = sum2 + (1/n)*sum3 ;
sum3 = 0 ;
D = (exp(1./SNR0).*expint(1./SNR0));
E = D + sum2;
sum2 = 0;
sum1 = sum1 +(( (-1).^(M-m-L+1) ).* E )./...
( ((1 - 1./beta_bar).^m) .*...
( factorial(M-m-L) .* SNR0.^(M-m-L) .* beta_bar.*log(2) ) );
SE_NLOS(kk) = C+sum1;
sum1 = 0;
% figure
plot(M_array, SE_NLOS,'green');
xlabel('Number of BS antennas (M)');
ylabel('Average SE (bits/s/Hz)');

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