Bouncing balls flashing animation

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I modeling balls bouncing physics behavior with matlab. Below is my balls animation code, if i using one ball then bouncing animation is fine, but if i insert more than one ball then balls animation is flashing.
ball_rad = [1,1,1]; % ball radius in metres
ball_pos = [0 10;0 5;0 6]; % ball (x,y) position in metres
ball_vel = [1 1;1 1;1 1]; % ball (x,y) velocity in metres per second
ball_spin = [0,0,0]; % ball spin in radians per second
ball_angle = [0,0,0]; % ball angle in radians
while ~stop
amount = size(ball_rad);
for i=1:amount(1,2)
% draw ball
ball_h = rectangle('Position', [ball_pos(i,:)-[ball_rad(i) ball_rad(i)] ball_rad(i)*2 ball_rad(i)*2], 'Curvature', [1 1]);
offset = ball_rad(i) * [cos(ball_angle(i)) sin(ball_angle(i))];
p1 = ball_pos(i,:) + offset;
p2 = ball_pos(i,:) - offset;
line_h = line([p1(1) p2(1)], [p1(2) p2(2)], 'Color', 'k');
% draw frame and pause to achieve required fps
% erase ball
if exist('plot_h','var'), delete(plot_h); clear plot_h, end
% Update vertical ball velocity from gravitational acceleration
ball_vel(i,:) = ball_vel(i,:) + [0 g/fps];
ball_pos_old = ball_pos(i,:);
% Update ball position from ball velocity
ball_pos(i,:) = ball_pos(i,:) + ball_vel(i,:)/fps;
% Update ball angle from ball spin (angular velocity)
ball_angle(i) = ball_angle(i) + ball_spin(i)/fps;
% loop through surfaces
for s = 1 : num_surfaces
surface = surfaces{s};
% compute surface normal such that it's on the ball's side
normal = [surface(2,2)-surface(1,2) surface(1,1)-surface(2,1)];
normal = normal / norm(normal);
vel_dir = ball_vel(i,:) / norm(ball_vel(i,:));
if normal*vel_dir' < 0
normal = -normal;
% compute the position of the edge of the ball nearest the surface
edge_offset = normal * ball_rad(i);
edge_pos_old = ball_pos_old + edge_offset;
edge_pos = ball_pos(i,:) + edge_offset;
% ball collides with surface if the line segment between its
% current and old position intersects the surface
if lines_cross(edge_pos_old, edge_pos, surface(1,:), surface(2,:))
ball_vel_old = ball_vel(i,:);
% compute the collision point from the point of intersection
intersect_pt = lines_intersection(edge_pos_old, edge_pos, surface(1,:), surface(2,:));
% rotate velocity vector onto horizontal surface
co = normal(2);
si = normal(1);
rot = [-co -si; si -co];
ball_vel_rot = ball_vel(i,:) * rot;
% update velocity parallel to surface and spin
ball_vel_rot_tmp = (1/7)*(5 - 2*h_restitution)*ball_vel_rot(1) - (2/7)*(1 + h_restitution)*ball_rad(i)*ball_spin(i);
ball_spin(i) = -(5/(7*ball_rad(i)))*(1 + h_restitution)*ball_vel_rot(1) + (1/7)*(2 - 5*h_restitution)*ball_spin(i);
ball_vel_rot(1) = ball_vel_rot_tmp;
% update velocity perpendicular to surface
ball_vel_rot(2) = ball_vel_rot(2) * -restitution;
% rotate velocity vector back to original surface
ball_vel(i,:) = ball_vel_rot * rot';
% update position relative to intersection to correct overshoot
overshoot = edge_pos - intersect_pt;
overshoot = ball_vel(i,:) * norm(overshoot) / norm(ball_vel_old);
ball_pos(i,:) = intersect_pt + overshoot - edge_offset;

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