replace number by string

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I have a vector with numeric values and I would like to replace the number in a given cell by a string (data are attached). For instance, 23=BDHE, 9997=BEIS, 11=CUAL, 4=CTGB, 60=MYMU, 1010=INJP, 3006=YNTA, and 80=TRQO. Thanks in Advance.


Mohammad Abouali
Mohammad Abouali 2015-4-10
Well, a quick solution would be:
valueCell={ 23,23,23, ...
9997,9997,9997,9997,9997,9997,9997, ...
11,11,11,11,11,11,11, ...
4,4,4,4,4, ...
60,60,60,60,60,60, ...
1010,1010,1010,1010,1010,1010,1010,1010, ...
3006,3006,3006,3006,3006, ...
strCell( cellfun(@(c) c==23,valueCell) )={'BDHE'};
strCell( cellfun(@(c) c==9997,valueCell) )={'BEIS'};
strCell( cellfun(@(c) c==11,valueCell) )={'CUAL'};
strCell( cellfun(@(c) c==4,valueCell))={'CTGB'};
strCell( cellfun(@(c) c==60,valueCell) )={'MYMU'};
strCell( cellfun(@(c) c==1010,valueCell) )={'INJP'};
strCell( cellfun(@(c) c==3006,valueCell) )={'YNTA'};
strCell( cellfun(@(c) c==80,valueCell) )={'TRQO'};
But a better solution would be
valueCell={ 23,23,23, ...
9997,9997,9997,9997,9997,9997,9997, ...
11,11,11,11,11,11,11, ...
4,4,4,4,4, ...
60,60,60,60,60,60, ...
1010,1010,1010,1010,1010,1010,1010,1010, ...
3006,3006,3006,3006,3006, ...
conversionTable=table([ 23, 9997, 11, 4, 60, 1010, 3006, 80]', ...

更多回答(1 个)

Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) 2015-4-10
% conversion rules V(k) corresponds to S(k):
V = [ 3 4 6 9 1] ;
S = {'AA','B','CCC','D','EEE'} ;
ValuesIn = [3 6 4 6 3 1 9 9 0 4 4 1 3] % note the 0!
% engine to convert ValuesIn to StrOut
StrOut = repmat({'Unknown'},size(ValuesIn)) ;
[tf, idx] =ismember(ValuesIn, V) ;
StrOut(tf) = S(idx(tf))


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