Filter Only Data Meeting Certain Criteria out of Excel Spreadsheet

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm trying to plot some data imported from Excel in MatLAB. The data is angle and latitude over the period of a year, so there is quite a lot of data (around 525,600 lines). However, I only care about data that's in the latitude range of 60 to 85 degrees. Is there a way in MatLAB to filter out only the 60-85 degree angle data?

回答(1 个)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2023-6-21
Use ‘logical indexing’ to return the desired values —
Lat = 90*rand(10,1);
Angle = pi*rand(size(Lat));
Data = table(Lat,Angle)
Data = 10×2 table
Lat Angle ______ _______ 12.051 2.1149 1.5097 3.0887 35.889 1.1831 55.397 0.84207 79.59 0.38152 25.187 1.26 20.226 2.3513 20.83 1.4799 7.9479 1.6882 74.649 2.2967
Lv = 60 <= Data.Lat & Data.Lat <= 85 % Logical Vector
Lv = 10×1 logical array
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
DesiredResult = Data(Lv,:)
DesiredResult = 2×2 table
Lat Angle ______ _______ 79.59 0.38152 74.649 2.2967
Make appropriate changes to work with your data.




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