How to extract specific data from a txt file

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Hi there!
I have a txt file that contains lines starting in either U4 or U6. I want to filter out all the lines with U4 so I'm left with only the ones that contain U6. How would I go about that?
Thanks in advance!

回答(2 个)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2023-6-23
Using my code from my earlier Comment, one approach would be—
% type('Niskin-Logger-Sample.txt')
opts = detectImportOptions('Niskin-Logger-Sample.txt', 'Delimiter',{' '});
opts = setvaropts(opts, 'Var3', 'InputFormat','MM/dd/uuuu'); % Guessing The Date Format
T1 = readtable('Niskin-Logger-Sample.txt', 'Delimiter',{' '});
Warning: The DATETIME data was created using format 'MM/dd/uuuu' but also matched 'dd/MM/uuuu'.
To avoid ambiguity, supply a datetime format using SETVAROPTS, e.g.
opts = setvaropts(opts,varname,'InputFormat','MM/dd/uuuu');
T2 = readtable('Niskin-Logger-Sample.txt', 'HeaderLines',50)
T2 = 8826×4 table
Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 ______ ______ ____ __________ {'U4'} 5.5718 298 {0×0 char} {'U4'} 5.9434 298 {0×0 char} {'U4'} 4.8241 298 {0×0 char} {'U4'} 4.967 298 {0×0 char} {'U4'} 5.0333 298 {0×0 char} {'U4'} 4.7708 298 {0×0 char} {'U4'} 5.1185 298 {0×0 char} {'U4'} 4.837 298 {0×0 char} {'U4'} 4.9518 298 {0×0 char} {'U4'} 5.0625 298 {0×0 char} {'U4'} 4.7761 298 {0×0 char} {'U4'} 5.1258 298 {0×0 char} {'U4'} 4.8705 298 {0×0 char} {'U4'} 4.9459 298 {0×0 char} {'U4'} 5.0957 298 {0×0 char} {'U4'} 4.7892 298 {0×0 char}
[UVar1,~,ix] = unique(T2.Var1);
Um = accumarray(ix, (1:numel(ix)).', [], @(x){T2(x,:)})
Um = 2×1 cell array
{8574×4 table} { 252×4 table}
U6 = Um{2}
U6 = 252×4 table
Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 ______ ____ __________ __________ {'U6'} NaN 1.6868e+09 {0×0 char} {'U6'} NaN 1.6868e+09 {0×0 char} {'U6'} NaN 1.6868e+09 {0×0 char} {'U6'} NaN 1.6868e+09 {0×0 char} {'U6'} NaN 1.6868e+09 {0×0 char} {'U6'} NaN 1.6868e+09 {0×0 char} {'U6'} NaN 1.6868e+09 {0×0 char} {'U6'} NaN 1.6868e+09 {0×0 char} {'U6'} NaN 1.6868e+09 {0×0 char} {'U6'} NaN 1.6868e+09 {0×0 char} {'U6'} NaN 1.6868e+09 {0×0 char} {'U6'} NaN 1.6868e+09 {0×0 char} {'U6'} NaN 1.6868e+09 {0×0 char} {'U6'} NaN 1.6868e+09 {0×0 char} {'U6'} NaN 1.6868e+09 {0×0 char} {'U6'} NaN 1.6868e+09 {0×0 char}
U6Var2NotNaN = U6(~isnan(U6.Var2),:)
U6Var2NotNaN = 0×4 empty table
NrVar2NaN = nnz(isnan(U6.Var2))
NrVar2NaN = 252
So ‘Var2’ (whatever it is) has only NaN values for the entire ‘U6’ table.

Mayur 2023-6-23
Hi Sydney!
I understand that you want to extract specific lines from a .txt file, here particularly lines starting with 'U6'. You can use the following code snippet:
fid = fopen('Niskin-Logger-Sample.txt', 'r');
data = textscan(fid, '%s', 'Delimiter', '\n');
u6_lines = data{1}(startsWith(data{1}, 'U6'));
You can read more about textscan here:


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