Any one have sample code of Rate splitting multiple access with cooperative or relaying technical. if anyone have it please share me

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Vinayak Agrawal
Vinayak Agrawal 2023-6-26
Hi Xiang,
Here's a sample MATLAB code for a Rate Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA) system with cooperative relaying
% RSMA with Cooperative Relaying
% Number of users
K = 2;
% Number of relays
M = 1;
% Channel gains (example values)
h = [0.8 0.6]; % Direct link channel gains for users 1 and 2
g = [0.4]; % Relay link channel gain
% Transmit power (example values)
P = 1; % Power allocation for users
% Generate random messages for users
msgUser1 = randi([0 1], 1, 100);
msgUser2 = randi([0 1], 1, 100);
% Initialize received signals at users and relays
yUser1 = zeros(1, 100);
yUser2 = zeros(1, 100);
yRelay = zeros(1, 100);
% Generate transmitted signals for users
xUser1 = sqrt(P) * msgUser1;
xUser2 = sqrt(P) * msgUser2;
% Cooperative relaying
for t = 1:100
% User 1 receives the direct signal and relayed signal
yUser1(t) = h(1) * xUser1(t) + g * xUser2(t);
% User 2 receives the direct signal
yUser2(t) = h(2) * xUser2(t);
% Relay receives and amplifies the signals from both users
yRelay(t) = g * xUser1(t) + sqrt(P) * xUser2(t);
% Decode the received signals at users
decodedMsgUser1 = yUser1 ./ h(1);
decodedMsgUser2 = yUser2 ./ h(2);
% Calculate the bit error rate (BER) for each user
berUser1 = sum(decodedMsgUser1 ~= msgUser1) / length(msgUser1);
berUser2 = sum(decodedMsgUser2 ~= msgUser2) / length(msgUser2);
% Display the results
disp(['Bit Error Rate (User 1): ' num2str(berUser1)]);
disp(['Bit Error Rate (User 2): ' num2str(berUser2)]);
This code demonstrates the basic operation of an RSMA system with cooperative relaying. It assumes two users (User 1 and User 2) and one relay. The channel gains (h and g) and transmit power (P) are example values and can be adjusted according to your specific scenario.
The code generates random messages for each user and calculates the transmitted signals (xUser1 and xUser2) based on the power allocation. The received signals at each user and the relay are calculated by considering the direct link and relay link channel gains. The received signals are then decoded at the users to estimate the transmitted messages.
Finally, the bit error rate (BER) is calculated by comparing the decoded messages with the original messages. The BER results for each user are displayed.
Please note that this is a simplified example to illustrate the concept of RSMA with cooperative relaying. In practical scenarios, you may need to consider various factors, such as fading channels, interference, channel estimation, and more complex relay strategies.
Hope it helps Xiang!
If you find this helpful can u please accept the answer so that others can also get benefitted.
  4 个评论
Rajashekhar 2023-7-13
Will you send basic MATLAB code upon RSMA i.e. to understand basic implementation of RSMA, how to generate common and private messages in MATLAB, etc...?





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