Trying to create a code to process images and create an excel sheet

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I have been trying to create a code to process a folder's worth of images and create a workbook in excel with certain datapoints. I am currently getting a blank workbook. I have tried to fix the mistake for a while and I still don't know what it is. Please give me any suggestions for improvement. Here's my code:
close all
% Call Images from each folder ============================================
% path = cd;
path ='C:\Users\myname\Downloads\nozz4-2000_S0001';
info_folder = dir(path); [size_folder, s] = size(info_folder);
Data2 = [];
scale = 0.041524197; %mm/pix
D_top = 10-512*scale;
% scale = 0.063619997;
% D_top = 155;
framerate = 1/2000;
for i_folder = 3:1:size_folder
if info_folder(i_folder,1).isdir == 1
folder_name = info_folder(i_folder,1).name;
find_jpg = [path '\' folder_name '\*.tif'];
condition = dir(find_jpg);
[total_frame,s1] = size(condition);
Data1 = [];
Data_number = cell(total_frame, 1);
for i = 1:1:total_frame
% =============================================================
% Image processing ============================================
I_file_name = condition(i,1).name; % I_file_name is the name of image.
I_name_path = [path '\' folder_name '\' I_file_name];
I = imread(I_name_path,'tif'); % I is the image for image processing.
I_double = double(I); % I_double is the numbers to calculate.
I_gauss = imgaussfilt(I,0.8);
I_double2 = double(I_gauss);
% Image processing for each image =============================
I_adjust1 = I(:,:,1);
I_gauss = imgaussfilt(I_adjust1,0.8);
I_double2 = double(I_adjust1);
[xx,yy] = size(I_adjust1);
Num_cell = 0;
I_adjust = I_adjust1(Num_cell+1:xx-Num_cell,:);
I_norm = I_double2/(max(max(I_double2)));
I_norm = mat2gray(I_adjust/(max(max(I_adjust))));
dI_x = I_double2(:,2*Num_cell+1:yy) - I_double2(:,1:yy-2*Num_cell);
dI_y = I_double2(1:xx-2*Num_cell,:) - I_double2(1+2*Num_cell:xx,:);
dI_xy = sqrt(dI_x(1+Num_cell:xx-Num_cell,:).^2+dI_y(:,1+Num_cell:yy-Num_cell).^2);
I_grad = dI_xy/(max(max(dI_xy)));
I_Binary = imbinarize(imcomplement(I_norm),0.3);
I_Binary4 = imbinarize(I_grad,'adaptive','ForegroundPolarity','bright','Sensitivity',0.2);
I_Binary3 = imfill(I_Binary2,'holes');
I_Binary_8 = uint8(I_Binary3);
I_Intensity_Region = I.*I_Binary_8;
[B,L] = bwboundaries(I_Binary3,'holes');
stats = regionprops(I_Binary3, 'Orientation', 'MajorAxisLength', ...
'MinorAxisLength', 'Eccentricity', 'Centroid', 'EquivDiameter', 'Circularity', 'BoundingBox');
Eccentricity1 = stats.Eccentricity;
D_position = stats.Centroid(2)*scale+D_top;
Majaxis = stats.MajorAxisLength*scale;
Minaxis = stats.MinorAxisLength*scale;
Orientation1 = stats.Orientation;
Centroid_x = stats.Centroid(1);
Centroid_y = stats.Centroid(2);
Equiv_Diam = stats.EquivDiameter*scale;
Circularity1 = stats.Circularity;
Drop_Area = Majaxis*Minaxis*pi;
Dsquared = Minaxis^2;
Width1 = stats.BoundingBox(3)*scale;
phi = linspace(0,2*pi,50);
cosphi = cos(phi);
sinphi = sin(phi);
xbar = stats.Centroid(1);
ybar = stats.Centroid(2);
a = stats.MajorAxisLength/2;
b = stats.MinorAxisLength/2;
theta = pi*stats.Orientation/180;
R = [ cos(theta) sin(theta)
-sin(theta) cos(theta)];
xy = [a*cosphi; b*sinphi];
xy = R*xy;
x = xy(1,:) + xbar;
y = xy(2,:) + ybar;
temp_data = [Eccentricity1, D_position,Majaxis, Minaxis, Orientation1,Centroid_x,Centroid_y, Equiv_Diam, Drop_Area, Dsquared, Circularity1, Width1];
Data_number{i} = temp_data;
% Data process for each folder ====================================
Data1 = vertcat(Data_number{:});
%Append Data1 to Data2
Data2 = [Data2; Data1];
% Export as Excel for each folder =================================
save_name = [folder_name '.xlsx'];
A1 = {'Eccentricity', 'D_position (mm)' ,...
'Majaxis (mm)', 'Minaxis (mm)', 'Orientation (Degrees)', 'Centroid_x (Pixels)', 'Centroid_y (Pixels)', ...
'Equiv_Diam (mm)', 'Droplet Area (mm^2)','Dsquared','circularity','width(mm)'};
writematrix(A1, save_name, 'Sheet1', 'A1');
writematrix(Data1, save_name, 'Sheet1', 'A2');
subplot(2,2,1),imshow(I_adjust1); hold on; plot(x,y,'r','LineWidth',2);
subplot(2,2,2),imshow(I_Binary);hold on; plot(x,y,'r','LineWidth',2);
subplot(2,2,3),imshow(I_Binary2);hold on; plot(x,y,'r','LineWidth',2);
subplot(2,2,4),imshow(I_Binary3);hold on; plot(x,y,'r','LineWidth',2);
% Export as Excel for each folder =====================================
writematrix(Data2, 'ImageDropData4.xlsx');
fprintf('ALL done.\n');
  4 个评论
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2023-7-11
have you run your code step by step and checked that the image loading is working ?
are you processing / looking for tif or jpg files ?
this is a bit confusing : (jpg or tif ?)
find_jpg = [path '\' folder_name '\*.tif'];
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2023-7-11
also , I would do the code a bit simpler , maybe this way ? (does not contain all the details, just the core structure)
%% define path
yourpath = pwd; % or your specific path
list=dir(yourpath); %get info of files/folders in current directory
isfile=~[list.isdir]; %determine index of files vs folders
dirnames={list([list.isdir]).name}; % directories names (including . and ..)
dirnames=dirnames(~(strcmp('.',dirnames)|strcmp('..',dirnames))); % remove . and .. directories names from list
%% Loop on each folder
for ci = 1:length(dirnames) %
fileDir = char(dirnames(ci)); % current directory name
S = dir(fullfile(fileDir,'*.tif')); % get list of data files in directory according to name structure '*.tif'
S = natsortfiles(S); % sort file names into natural order (what matlab does not) , see FEX :
%% Loop inside folder
for k = 1:length(S) % read data
I = imread(fullfile(fileDir, S(k).name)); % or use a structure (S(k).data ) to store the full data structure
% your own code here for data processing. this is just for my demo
% for now :
title_str = [fileDir ' / ' S(k).name];



Aditya 2023-11-17
编辑:Aditya 2023-11-17
Hi Matthew,
From your query I understand that you are getting some issues while writing the data to the excel file.
To address your issue, I recommend making the following changes:
writecell(A1, save_name,"Sheet", 1, "Range",'A1');
writematrix(Data1, save_name, "Sheet",1,"Range", strcat('A2:L',num2str(1+total_frame)));
  • In the first line, we are using the writecell function because you have defined "A1" as a "1 x 12" cell in your code, which is not a matrix.
  • For the second line, since Data1 is defined as total_frame x 12 matrix, it is necessary to mention proper range. I have addressed this by using the strcat function to define the range as A2:L concatenated with the value of 1 + total_frame.
Refer to the below links for the above-mentioned functions:
Hope this helps!

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