Error using Simulink Support Package for Android: Unable to locate build tool "Android Assembler": android

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Hi all,
I'm trying to run the simple Get started with Android Devices program from Simulink Support Package for Android, however I'm gettint following error when trying to run the program:
Error:Invalid folder name in path 'C:\Users\Fortu\OneDrive\Área de Trabalho\OCC\OCC'. Folder name must not contain spaces or any of these characters & ' $ % = # ;
Caused by:
Validation error(s):
### Validating other build tools ...
Unable to locate build tool "Android Assembler": android
Does anyone know how can I fix that? Do I have to change the file location due to this folder name error?
Also, the Test App from hwsetup of MATLAB for Android executed with no issues.


Matheus Fortunato Alves
After trying some solutions, I've managed to solve the problem using the suggestion from
Basically you have to set the path from your Mathworks Workspace the same of your Simulink Model file saved.
So in my case MATLAB workspace path was
And I've saved the Simulink .slx file on the same path C:/Teste
And then it works like charm.

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