Bode Plot to Transfer Function

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Hello, I take experimental data of my plant (Which is Atomic Force Microscopy PZT Actuator and Frame).
I have .DAT File, which contains following information Freuency (Hz), Magnitude dB, Phase Degree.
I want to estimate the transfer function of my AFM system from that bode plot, How can I do this in the MATLAB. I am not sure which order my plant is and either it is linear or non linear, I am new to the control system.
I have attached the .csv file of my data and Bode Plot image.


Star Strider
Star Strider 2023-7-27
If you have the System Identification Toolbox, this is (relatively) straightforward, however your data requires a bit of pre-processing. Start with the idfrd function and then use tfest. (The Signal Processing Toolbox has similar functions, however I usually use the System Identification Toolbox functions for these problems).
Try this —
imshow(imread('Bode Plot_AFm.JPG'))
T1 = readtable('HH8.csv')
T1 = 1001×4 table
F GdB P G ___ ____ ____ ____ 100 33.9 -110 49.4 101 34.1 -110 50.7 101 33.8 -107 48.9 102 34.2 -108 51.1 102 33.6 -105 47.8 103 34 -107 49.8 103 33.1 -111 45.2 104 33.8 -108 48.8 104 33.7 -108 48.4 105 33.5 -106 47.5 105 33.7 -106 48.5 106 33.6 -107 48 106 34 -105 50.1 107 34 -103 50 107 34.1 -103 51 108 34.2 -102 51.6
Ts = 0; % Fill With Actual Sampling Frequency
FHz = T1.F;
for k = 1:size(T1,1)-1
if FHz(k+1) == FHz(k)
FHz(k+1) = FHz(k+1)+0.5; % 'Brute Force' Interpolation
Mag = T1.G;
PhDeg = T1.P;
Response = Mag.*exp(1j*deg2rad(PhDeg)); % Complex Vector
sysfr = idfrd(Response, FHz, Ts, 'FrequencyUnit','Hz')
sysfr = IDFRD model. Contains Frequency Response Data for 1 output(s) and 1 input(s). Response data is available at 1001 frequency points, ranging from 100 Hz to 1.5e+04 Hz. Status: Created by direct construction or transformation. Not estimated.
tfsys = tfest(sysfr,18)
tfsys = -6.838e04 s^17 + 1.058e10 s^16 - 5.832e14 s^15 + 1.29e19 s^14 - 2.521e23 s^13 + 5.075e27 s^12 - 2.423e31 s^11 + 9.36e34 s^10 - 9.093e37 s^9 + 3.076e41 s^8 - 1.342e44 s^7 + 4.287e47 s^6 - 9.57e49 s^5 + 2.978e53 s^4 - 3.277e55 s^3 + 1.019e59 s^2 - 4.296e60 s + 1.372e64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s^18 + 2.677e05 s^17 + 4.519e09 s^16 + 3.152e14 s^15 + 1.125e18 s^14 + 8.793e22 s^13 - 3.708e26 s^12 + 2.531e30 s^11 - 2.069e33 s^10 + 8.788e36 s^9 - 4.455e39 s^8 + 1.255e43 s^7 - 4.823e45 s^6 + 8.854e48 s^5 - 2.802e51 s^4 + 3.061e54 s^3 - 8.38e56 s^2 + 4.148e59 s - 1.02e62 Continuous-time identified transfer function. Parameterization: Number of poles: 18 Number of zeros: 17 Number of free coefficients: 36 Use "tfdata", "getpvec", "getcov" for parameters and their uncertainties. Status: Estimated using TFEST on frequency response data "sysfr". Fit to estimation data: 85.98% FPE: 4.104, MSE: 3.819
compare(sysfr, tfsys)
Experiment to get desired results. Having the actual sampling frequency would likely improve this.
  6 个评论
Muhammad 2023-7-28
移动:Star Strider 2023-7-28
Thank You so much.


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