How to speed up this code? How to improve its performance and efficiency?

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
% creating toy data
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'Processes' profile ... Parallel pool using the 'Processes' profile is shutting down.
Elapsed time is 18.733281 seconds.
nsimul = 10; % in the actual code I would like to have at least nsumul = 1000;
y = trnd(5,500,1); % in the actual code y = trnd(5,2500,1);
x = y(y < 0);
thresh = autothreshold(x,nsimul,0.05);
% the variable which I am interested in is thresh
% from here you can find the local functions involved in the calculation of
% thresh
% 1) first local function
function [threshold,pvalues,forwardstop,shape,scale] = autothreshold(x,nsimul,alpha)
% column vector
if size(x,1) < size(x,2)
x = x';
% eliminate zeros and missing data, sort data in descending order
x = sort(rmmissing(nonzeros(x)),'descend');
% sample size
N = numel(x);
% pre allocate variables
ADp = nan(N-1, 1);
shape = nan(N-1, 1);
scale = nan(N-1, 1);
% the minimum threhsold is 2
parfor k = 2:N
warning off
[~,ADp(k-1,:),shape(k-1,:),scale(k-1,:)] = GPDGoF(x(1:(k-1))-x(k),nsimul);
pvalues = ADp;
pvalues(isnan(pvalues)) = 1;
[threshold,forwardstop] = ForwardStop(pvalues,alpha);
% 2) second local function implied in the first
function [AD,ADp,shape,scale] = GPDGoF(x,nsimul)
% sample size
N = numel(x);
% parameters estimation
parmhat = gpfit(x);
shape = parmhat(1);
scale = parmhat(2);
if any(isnan(parmhat)) == 1;
AD = nan;
ADp = nan;
% Theoretical distribution function
CDF = 1 - ( 1 + shape./scale .* x) .^(-1./shape);
% Anderson-Darling GoF test
AD = - N - sum( ( 2 .*(N:-1:1)' - 1 ) ./N .* ( log(CDF) + log(1 - sort(CDF,'ascend') ) ) );
% Bootstrap p - values
simgpd = (scale/shape) .* (((1-sort(rand(N,nsimul),'descend')).^(-shape)) - 1);
% Parameter estimates of simulated RV
parmhatsim = arrayfun(@(i) gpfit(simgpd(:,i))', 1:nsimul, 'UniformOutput',false);
parmhatsim = cat(2, parmhatsim{:});
% Theoretical distribution function of simulated RV
CDFs = sort(1 - ( 1 + parmhatsim(1,:)./parmhatsim(2,:) .* simgpd) .^(-1./parmhatsim(1,:)),'descend');
% Bootstrap Anderson-Darling GoF test and computing p-value
AD_boot = - N - sum( repmat(( 2 .*(N:-1:1)' - 1 ) ./N,1,nsimul) .* ( log(CDFs) + log(1 - sort(CDFs,'ascend') ) ), 1);
ADp = mean(AD_boot > AD);
% 3) third function implied in the first function
function [threshold,forwardstop] = ForwardStop(pvalues,alpha)
if ~exist('alpha','var')
alpha = 0.05;
N = size(pvalues,1);
pvalues = flip(pvalues,1);
forwardstop = ( (1:N)'.^-1 ) .* cumsum( - log( 1 - pvalues),1);
if isempty(find(forwardstop <= alpha,1,'last'))
threshold = N + 1;
threshold = N - find(forwardstop <= alpha,1,'last') + 2;
forwardstop = flip(forwardstop,1);
I would like to speed my code as much as possible. Currently it takes days/weeks to run. Obviously the result should be the same (within the rng('default') seed).

回答(1 个)

Ashutosh 2023-8-21
These steps can be followed to improve the performance:
  • Try to pre-allocate the arrays with NaN or zero values before using them in the "parfor" loop. This will prevent dynamic resizing of arrays in each iteration and improve the performance.
  • Try using "parfeval" as it allows to submit multiple independent function evaluations to the parallel pool and can improve overall efficiency.
  • Whenever possible try to use vectorized operations instead of loops for better performance.
  • If there is the availability of the GPUs can use the "spmd" in the parallel pool to execute code parallelly in different workers.
  • Try to use preexisting libraries which have better performance as compared to working on creating your own libraries.


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