I try to "find" the minimum consecutives 0 or 1 in an integer optimvar.
Following a "normal logical" array, I would search for it as follows:
A = [0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0].';
index = find(A);
iStart = find([1; diff(index) >1]);
iEnd = [iStart(2:end)-1; size(index,1)];
onLength = iEnd-iStart+1;
offLength = ([index(iStart); length(A)+1] - [0; index(iEnd(1:end))] -1);
And I wanted to use this to "find" / define the minimum of a optimvar. But unfortunately this does not work, which is why I set the maximum like this:
prob = optimproblem;
n_max_off = 3;
N = 90;
ds_on = optimvar('ds_on', N, 'LowerBound',0, 'UpperBound', 1, 'Type','integer');
prob.Constraints.ds_max_off = optimconstr(N-n_max_off);
for i = 1:N-n_max_off-1
prob.Constraints.ds_max_off(i) = sum(ds_on(i:i+n_max_off+1)) >= 1;
index = (0:n_max_off) + (1:N-n_max_off).';
prob.Constraints.ds_max_off(1:N-n_max_off) = sum(ds_on(index(1:N-n_max_off,:)),2) >= 1;
But to define the minimum I do not know how I can do it.
In other words:
I want to define a minimum and maximum length of zeros and ones which are my boundary conditions / constraints.
The maximum is not a problem, but to define the minimum length is my problem. So minimum and maximum length are my constraints.
My objective is someting different I left for readability.