filter nonholonomic - fusegps

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Good evening everyone, I am new so I apologise if I am going to be inaccurate.
I am working on gps (latitude and longitude) and IMU (3 axis accelerations and 3 axis gyro) data in order to run a version of the Kalman filter.
I am using a 'nonholonomic' filter and calculating the orientation and angular velocities on the 3 axis; this is the code I wrote:
%carico i dati del GPS
data_gps =load('GPS_meta.csv');
[filename, directory_name] = uigetfile('*.csv','GPS_meta.csv');
fullname = fullfile(directory_name, filename);
data_gps = load(fullname);
latitudine = data_gps(:,1);
longitudine = data_gps(:,2);
altitudine = repmat(55.0, 1, length(latitudine))';
%carico i dati dell'accelerometro e giroscopio
data_imu = load('DATALOG_meta.csv');
[filename1, directory_name1] = uigetfile('*.csv','DATALOG_meta.csv');
fullname = fullfile(directory_name1, filename1);
data_imu = load(fullname);
accx = data_imu(:,6);
accy = data_imu(:,7);
accz = data_imu(:,8);
acc_tot = [accx accy accz];
gyrox = data_imu(:,9);
gyroy = data_imu(:,10);
gyroz = data_imu(:,11);
gyro_tot = [gyrox gyroy gyroz];
%temp = data_imu(:,12);
max_lat = max(latitudine);
min_lat = min(latitudine);
max_long = max(longitudine);
min_long = min(longitudine);
geolimits([min_lat max_lat],[min_long max_long])
geobasemap openstreetmap
%---------------QUA C'E' LA PARTE PER IL FILTRO-----------------------
imuFs = 1;
gpsFs = 1;
localOrigin = [44.76483 10.30858 55]; %'punto di partenza'
%convert deg to rad
gyro_tot_rad = deg2rad(gyro_tot);
%fusion filter
filt = insfilterNonholonomic('ReferenceFrame', 'ENU');
filt.IMUSampleRate = imuFs;
filt.ReferenceLocation = localOrigin;
filt.StateCovariance = 1e-9*eye(16);
Rpos = eye(3);
%imu filter for angular velocity
fuse = imufilter('SampleRate',imuFs, 'GyroscopeDriftNoise', 1e-6);
[orientazione ,angVelBodyRecovered] = fuse(acc_tot, gyro_tot_rad);
%log data
numIMUSamples = length(latitudine);
estOrient = quaternion.ones(numIMUSamples,1);
estPos = zeros(numIMUSamples,3);
gpsIdx = 1;
for idx = 1:numIMUSamples
predict(filt,acc_tot(idx,:),gyro_tot_rad(idx,:)); %Predict filter state
if (mod(idx,gpsFs) == 0) %Correct filter state
%gpsLLA(gpsIdx,:) = [latitudine(gpsIdx,:) longitudine(gpsIdx,:) altitudine(gpsIdx,:)];
[res, resCov] = fusegps(filt, [latitudine(gpsIdx,:) longitudine(gpsIdx,:) altitudine(gpsIdx,:)], Rpos);
gpsIdx = gpsIdx + 1;
[estPos(idx,:),estOrient(idx,:)] = pose(filt); %Log estimated pose--> estPos() è in m/s !!!
My question is as follows:
when I do the 'fusegps' operation, res and resCov should be of size 1-by-4 (res) and 4-by-4 (resCov)... from my code they are 1x3 and 3x3.
Is this wrong or is it still OK?
Thank you very much,

回答(1 个)

Garmit Pant
Garmit Pant 2023-8-29
It is my understanding that you are trying to use the function ‘fusegps and the dimensions of the outputs that you are generating are different from the expected output.
The function ‘fusegps’ is a member function of various insfilter classes. For objects of ‘insfilterNonholonomic’, the function ‘fusegps’ can be called as follows:
[res,resCov] = fusegps(FUSE,position,positionCovariance)
[res,resCov] = fusegps(FUSE,position,positionCovariance,velocity,velocityCovariance)
  • FUSE - insfilterNonholonomic object
  • position - 1-by-3 vector of latitude, longitude and altitude
  • positionCovariance - scalar, 1-by-3, or 3-by-3 covariance of the NAV position measurement error in m^2
  • res 1-by-3 or 1-by-4 position and course residuals in meters (m) and rad/s, respectively
  • resCov 3-by-3 or 4-by-4 residual covariance
The function ‘fusegps’ returns output variables ‘res and resCov of size 1-by-3 (res) and 3-by-3 (resCov) when only 3 arguments are passed while calling the function (fusegps(FUSE,position,positionCovariance)). Since you are calling the functionfusegps with the aforementioned function signature, the outputs that you are receiving have the size 1-by-3 (res) and 3-by-3 (resCov).
The following code snippet is an example to test the different output dimensions according to the function signature:
load('loggedGroundVehicleCircle.mat', ...
'imuFs', 'localOrigin', ...
'initialState', 'initialStateCovariance', ...
'accelData', 'gyroData', ...
'gpsFs', 'gpsLLA', 'Rpos', 'gpsVel', 'Rvel', ...
'trueOrient', 'truePos');
% Initialize filter.
filt = insfilterNonholonomic('IMUSampleRate', imuFs, ...
'ReferenceLocation', localOrigin, 'State', initialState, ...
'StateCovariance', initialStateCovariance,'ReferenceFrame', 'ENU');
imuSamplesPerGPS = imuFs / gpsFs;
% Log data for final metric computation.
numIMUSamples = size(accelData, 1);
estOrient = quaternion.ones(numIMUSamples, 1);
estPos = zeros(numIMUSamples, 3);
gpsIdx = 1;
for idx = 1:numIMUSamples
% Use the predict method to estimate the filter state based on the
% accelData and gyroData arrays.
predict(filt, accelData(idx,:), gyroData(idx,:));
if (mod(idx, imuSamplesPerGPS) == 0)
% Correct the filter states based on the GPS data.
% For output size 1x3 and 3x3
[res, resCov] = fusegps(filt, gpsLLA(gpsIdx,:), Rpos);
% For output size 1x4 and 4x4
%[res, resCov] = fusegps(filt, gpsLLA(gpsIdx,:), Rpos, gpsVel(gpsIdx,:), Rvel);
gpsIdx = gpsIdx + 1;
% Log estimated pose.
[estPos(idx,:), estOrient(idx,:)] = pose(filt);
% Calculate RMS errors.
posd = estPos - truePos;
quatd = rad2deg(dist(estOrient, trueOrient));
% Display RMS errors.
fprintf('Position RMS Error\n');
Position RMS Error
msep = sqrt(mean(posd.^2));
fprintf('\tX: %.2f , Y: %.2f, Z: %.2f (meters)\n\n', msep(1), ...
msep(2), msep(3));
X: 8.57 , Y: 4.94, Z: 8.43 (meters)
fprintf('Quaternion Distance RMS Error\n');
Quaternion Distance RMS Error
fprintf('\t%.2f (degrees)\n\n', sqrt(mean(quatd.^2)));
8.85 (degrees)
fprintf('Size of res and resCov\n \t res: %.2f by %.2f\t resCov %.2f by %.2f \n\n', size(res,1),size(res,2),size(resCov,1),size(resCov,2));
Size of res and resCov res: 1.00 by 3.00 resCov 3.00 by 3.00
You can run the above code to simulate different behaviours of the function ‘fusegps’.
You can refer to the following documentation pages to learn more:

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