What I'd do is
% Save table.
folder = pwd; % Specify some folder where the output file will be saved to.
fullFileName = fullfile(folder, 'Tex.mat'); % Get the full path : folder plus name.
save(fullFileName, 'newTable'); % Save table "newTable" into a .mat file.
% Recall table.
if ~isfile(fullFileName) % Make sure file exists.
% Then the file was not found.
errorMessage = sprintf('ERROR: The file "%s" does not exist', fullFileName)
return; % Bail out since file was not found.
% If we get here, the file exists. First, read the mat file into a structure.
s = load(fullFileName) % I like to leave the semicolon off so it prints all field names to the command window.
% Extract the newTable field of the structure into its own variable for convenience.
recalledTable = s.newTable;