Failure on combining 2 timetable

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
When I combine 2 timetables horizontally, error always occurs. How can I manage to combine them?
The 2 timetables (a and b) have the same time rows but different variable arrays:
a =
5×1 timetable
Time ID1S01_PWM_timerticks_ph1
__________ _________________________
4.2981 sec 0
4.303 sec 65534
4.3081 sec 0
4.3131 sec 0
4.3181 sec 0
b =
5×1 timetable
Time ssiSelSicMsg2
__________ _____________
4.2981 sec 9
4.303 sec 9
4.3081 sec 9
4.3131 sec 9
4.3181 sec 9
>> [a b]
Error using tabular/horzcat
All tables being horizontally concatenated must have the same row times.


Star Strider
Star Strider 2023-8-21
编辑:Star Strider 2023-8-21
Experiment with the synchronize function to see if it will do what you want.
EDIT — (21 Aug 2023 at 15:57)
To illustrate —
Time = [4.2981; 4.3030; 4.3081; 4.3131; 4.3181];
ID1S01_PWM_timerticks_ph1 = [0; 65534; 0; 0; 0];
T1 = timetable(seconds(Time),ID1S01_PWM_timerticks_ph1)
T1 = 5×1 timetable
Time ID1S01_PWM_timerticks_ph1 __________ _________________________ 4.2981 sec 0 4.303 sec 65534 4.3081 sec 0 4.3131 sec 0 4.3181 sec 0
ssiSelSicMsg2 = 9*ones(5,1);
T2 = timetable(seconds(Time), ssiSelSicMsg2)
T2 = 5×1 timetable
Time ssiSelSicMsg2 __________ _____________ 4.2981 sec 9 4.303 sec 9 4.3081 sec 9 4.3131 sec 9 4.3181 sec 9
Tsync = synchronize(T1,T2)
Tsync = 5×2 timetable
Time ID1S01_PWM_timerticks_ph1 ssiSelSicMsg2 __________ _________________________ _____________ 4.2981 sec 0 9 4.303 sec 65534 9 4.3081 sec 0 9 4.3131 sec 0 9 4.3181 sec 0 9
EDIT — (21 Aug 2023 at 20:23)
Changed to use original variable names. Code otherwise unchanged.

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