How to create binary image mask if my data image have multiple lesion in 1 image?

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My question is, how can I create binary mask if my image data have multiple lesion in 1 image?
Below I shared examole of my single lesion (already in binary mask);
According to the codes I wrote, it is drawn by free hand.
Below I shared my multiple lesion image data:

回答(1 个)

Milan Bansal
Milan Bansal 2024-9-9,18:09
Hi Dayangku Nur Faizah Pengiran Mohamad
I understand that you wish to select multiple lesions in a single image using drawfreehand and save the final mask as binary image. You might also want to save a binary mask for individual lesions.
Please refer to the following steps to achieve this.
  1. Manual Lesion Selection: Each time you use drawfreehand, you manually outline a lesion in the image.
  2. Binary Mask Creation: The binary mask for the lesion is created with createMask.
  3. Saving Individual Lesions: Each lesion is saved as a separate binary image.
  4. Combining Masks: The current lesion mask is added to a final combined mask using a logical OR (|), allowing for multiple lesion regions to be merged.
  5. Stopping Condition: After drawing a lesion, you are prompted whether to continue or stop. If you enter 'n', the loop breaks, and the process stops.
Please refer to following code snippet for implementation:
% Read the image
img = imread('lp.png');
% Display the image
hold on; % Hold on to allow multiple drawings
% Initialize the combined mask
[rows, cols, ~] = size(img);
combinedMask = false(rows, cols); % Binary mask initialized to all false
% Loop to allow manual drawing of multiple lesions
while true
% Manually select a lesion using drawfreehand
h = drawfreehand('Color', 'r');
% Create binary mask for the selected lesion
lesionMask = createMask(h);
% Save the individual lesion mask as a binary image
% Remove this step if you do not wish to save mask for each lesion.
imwrite(lesionMask, ['lesion_' num2str(lesionCount) '.png']);
% Add the current lesion mask to the combined mask
combinedMask = combinedMask | lesionMask;
% Ask user if they want to select another lesion
cont = input('Do you want to select another lesion? (y/n): ', 's');
if strcmpi(cont, 'n')
break; % Exit the loop if no more lesions to draw
% Display the final combined mask
title('Final Combined Mask for All Lesions');
% Optionally, save the combined mask
imwrite(combinedMask, 'combined_lesion_mask.png');
Please refer to the following documentation to learn more:
Hope this helps!

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