How to use a long matrix on matlab?

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distMatrix = [0 25 4.2 4 23 6 23 1.4 9.5 2.3 27 26 28 2.5 8 6.3 22 5.4 22 31 20 1.8 25 7.8 5.7 28 9.8;
25 0 24 23 12 21 13 25 17 24 6.8 18 16 23 18 20 10 25 11 5.7 5.4 25 18 18 7.6 4.3 17;
4.2 24 0 0.2 20 4.7 17 3.1 4.8 3.9 25 30 39 2 4.3 2.6 20 8.4 20 29 18 2.7 23 4 3.1 25 4.9;
4 23 0.2 0 20 4.8 17 2.7 4.9 3.5 25 30 39 1.6 4.4 2.8 20 7.7 20 29 18 2.3 23 4.1 3.2 25 5;
23 12 20 20 0 20 24 24 16 23 9.1 30 28 23 17 21 1.9 24 1.7 17 7.7 25 6 16 9.1 11 16;
6 21 4.7 4.8 20 0 18 5.1 5.2 3.9 22 38 37 3.4 3.2 1.6 17 5 21 26 15 5.5 21 3.7 1 23 5;
23 13 17 17 24 18 0 22 12 21 19 18 17 19 14 17 23 22 23 7 18 22 30 14 0.4 17 13;
1.4 25 3.1 2.7 24 5.1 22 0 9.7 0.5 26 27 29 1.5 7 5.4 21 4.7 25 30 19 0.8 24 7.6 4.8 27 9.2;
9.5 17 4.8 4.9 16 5.2 12 9.7 0 8.2 19 35 33 6.4 1.9 4.6 14 9.5 14 23 12 9.7 17 1.1 3.8 19 0.5;
2.3 24 3.9 3.5 23 3.9 21 0.5 8.2 0 25 27 40 2 6.3 4.6 20 4.7 25 29 18 1.3 24 6.8 4.1 26 8.1;
27 6.8 25 25 9.1 22 19 26 19 25 0 25 23 25 20 22 7.5 27 7.9 12 10 27 15 19 12 2.4 19;
26 18 30 30 30 38 18 27 35 27 25 0 2 28 36 38 28 29 28 12 23 27 36 36 18 22 35;
28 16 39 39 28 37 17 29 33 40 23 2 0 30 35 37 27 31 27 11 22 29 35 35 17 21 34;
2.5 23 2 1.6 23 3.4 19 1.5 6.4 2 25 28 30 0 5.8 4 20 6.1 24 29 18 0.7 23 5.3 3.5 25 6.3 ;
8 18 4.3 4.4 17 3.2 14 7 1.9 6.3 20 36 35 5.8 0 2.7 15 7.4 16 24 13 7.8 18 0.9 2.3 21 1.8;
6.3 20 2.6 2.8 21 1.6 17 5.4 4.6 4.6 22 38 37 4 2.7 0 17 5.7 18 26 15 4.7 20 3.5 0.4 23 4.4;
22 10 20 20 1.9 17 23 21 14 20 7.5 28 27 20 15 17 0 31 1.2 16 6.1 22 7.8 15 7.6 9.8 14;
5.4 25 8.4 7.7 24 5 22 4.7 9.5 4.7 27 29 31 6.1 7.4 5.7 31 0 24 31 20 5.4 29 7.9 1.7 27 9.5;
22 11 20 20 1.7 21 23 25 14 25 7.9 28 27 24 16 18 1.2 24 0 16 6.5 25 7.3 15 7.9 11 14;
31 5.7 29 29 17 26 7 30 23 29 12 12 11 29 24 26 16 31 16 0 11 31 23 23 7 10 23 ;
20 5.4 18 18 7.7 15 18 19 12 18 10 23 22 18 13 15 6.1 20 6.5 11 0 20 14 13 2.3 7.6 12;
1.8 25 2.7 2.3 25 5.5 22 0.8 9.7 1.3 27 27 29 0.7 7.8 4.7 22 5.4 25 3120 0 25 6 5.6 27 7;
25 18 23 236 21 30 24 17 24 15 36 35 23 18 20 7.8 29 7.3 23 14 25 0 18 15 17 17;
7.8 18 4 4.1 16 3.7 14 7.6 1.1 6.8 19 36 35 5.3 0.9 3.5 15 7.9 15 23 13 6 18 0 2.8 20 1.2;
5.7 7.6 3.1 3.2 9.1 1 0.4 4.8 3.8 4.1 12 18 17 3.5 2.3 0.4 7.6 1.7 7.9 7 2.3 5.6 15 2.8 0 9.9 4.3;
28 4.3 25 25 11 23 17 27 19 26 2.4 22 21 25 21 23 9.8 27 11 10 7.6 27 17 20 9.9 0 19;
9.8 17 4.9 5 16 5 13 9.2 0.5 8.1 19 35 34 6.3 1.8 4.4 14 9.5 14 23 12 7 17 1.2 4.3 19 0
Error using vertcat
Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.
populationSize = 100; % Population size for GA
maxGenerations = 1000; % Number of generations for GA
initialTemperature = 100; % Initial temperature for SA
coolingRate = 0.995; % Cooling rate for SA
mutationRate = 2; % Maximum number of iterations for SA
[bestTour, bestCost] = hybridTSP(distMatrix, populationSize, maxGenerations, initialTemperature, coolingRate, mutationRate);
disp('Best Tour:');
disp(['Best Cost: ', num2str(bestCost)]);
function [bestTour, bestCost] = hybridTSP(distMatrix, populationSize, maxGenerations, initialTemperature, coolingRate, mutationRate)
numCities = size(distMatrix, 1);
% Generate initial tour using the nearest neighbor heuristic
initialTour = nearestNeighbor(distMatrix);
currentTour = initialTour;
bestTour = initialTour;
currentCost = calculateTourCost(currentTour, distMatrix);
bestCost = currentCost;
for generation = 1:maxGenerations
temperature = initialTemperature / (1 + coolingRate * generation);
% Apply Genetic Algorithm
population = generatePopulation(populationSize, numCities);
for i = 1:populationSize
population(i, :) = mutate(population(i, :), mutationRate);
[population, costs] = evaluatePopulation(population, distMatrix);
% Apply Simulated Annealing
for i = 1:populationSize
newTour = simulatedAnnealing(population(i, :), currentCost, temperature, distMatrix);
newCost = calculateTourCost(newTour, distMatrix);
if newCost < currentCost || rand() < exp((currentCost - newCost) / temperature)
currentTour = newTour;
currentCost = newCost;
if newCost < bestCost
bestTour = currentTour;
bestCost = newCost;
function tour = nearestNeighbor(distMatrix)
numCities = size(distMatrix, 1);
tour = zeros(1, numCities);
unvisited = 1:numCities;
currentCity = randi(numCities);
tour(1) = currentCity;
unvisited(unvisited == currentCity) = [];
for i = 2:numCities
nearestCity = unvisited(1);
minDistance = distMatrix(currentCity, nearestCity);
for j = 2:length(unvisited)
city = unvisited(j);
distance = distMatrix(currentCity, city);
if distance < minDistance
nearestCity = city;
minDistance = distance;
tour(i) = nearestCity;
currentCity = nearestCity;
unvisited(unvisited == nearestCity) = [];
function cost = calculateTourCost(tour, distMatrix)
numCities = length(tour);
cost = 0;
for i = 1:numCities-1
cost = cost + distMatrix(tour(i), tour(i+1));
cost = cost + distMatrix(tour(end), tour(1)); % Return to the starting city
function population = generatePopulation(populationSize, numCities)
population = zeros(populationSize, numCities);
for i = 1:populationSize
population(i, :) = randperm(numCities);
function mutatedTour = mutate(tour, mutationRate)
numCities = length(tour);
if rand() < mutationRate
% Swap two random cities
r1 = randi(numCities);
r2 = randi(numCities);
temp = tour(r1);
tour(r1) = tour(r2);
tour(r2) = temp;
mutatedTour = tour;
function [population, costs] = evaluatePopulation(population, distMatrix)
populationSize = size(population, 1);
costs = zeros(1, populationSize);
for i = 1:populationSize
costs(i) = calculateTourCost(population(i, :), distMatrix);
[~, idx] = sort(costs);
population = population(idx, :);
costs = costs(idx);
function newTour = simulatedAnnealing(tour, currentCost, temperature, distMatrix)
numCities = length(tour);
newTour = tour;
% Perform 2-opt swap
i = randi(numCities);
j = randi(numCities);
if i > j
temp = i;
i = j;
j = temp;
while i < j
temp = newTour(i);
newTour(i) = newTour(j);
newTour(j) = temp;
i = i + 1;
j = j - 1;
newCost = calculateTourCost(newTour, distMatrix);
if newCost < currentCost || rand() < exp((currentCost - newCost) / temperature)
currentCost = newCost;
% Revert the change
while i < j
temp = newTour(i);
newTour(i) = newTour(j);
newTour(j) = temp;
i = i + 1;
j = j - 1;
Hey everyone,
Please help me to fix this error. My algorithm is correct and it is running on small matrices. I have to solve the 27 by 27 matrix as provided here. Please help me to resolve the issue.
Thanks in advance!


Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2023-9-26
The matrix is not 27x27. There are elements missing in the 22nd and 23rd row.
Check the data again.

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