Could a Phd uses a license Trial in a commercial company?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
We're a commercial company, We receive a Phd student, for a moment,
Therefore, I need to know if he could uses a license trial, in it, please ?
Thank you for help,

回答(2 个)

Rik 2023-10-9
You should read the license agreement for a trial license.
Since the PhD is in this case working for a commercial company, the student license is not an option.
If you want an official answer, you should contact Mathworks support. This is a public forum where non-MathWorks employees (like me) provide most of the answers. While there are MathWorks employees active here, that tends to be in their own time.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2023-10-9
As I understand it, anyone can use MATLAB during their 30 day license trial. If they gave you a license, they want you to use it, regardless of who you are. You can call the sales team for a more authoritative answer.


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