how can i use utm2degfunchtion

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Sangesh Pv
Sangesh Pv 2023-10-12
评论: Sangesh Pv 2023-10-17
i am trying to convert the utm coordinates back to degree but i cant figure out. i get multiple errors when i use the function. i need to add this function
[Lat,Lon] = utm2deg(utm_x,utm_y,utm_zone) in the end so that the utm coordinates can be converted back to deg before plotting in the map
% Load your data
data = readmatrix('subtowersutm.xlsx');
% Extract latitude, longitude, and RSRP values.
measurement_lat = data(:, 1);
measurement_lon = data(:, 2);
rsrp = data(:, 11); % Adjust the column index for RSRP data.
% Check if the dimensions of Lat and Lon match
if size(measurement_lat) ~= size(measurement_lon)
error('Latitude and Longitude dimensions do not match.');
% Define the UTM zone for your area.
utm_zone = 32;
% Step 2: Transform Coordinates using the built-in 'deg2utm' function
[utm_x, utm_y, utm_zone] = deg2utm(measurement_lat, measurement_lon);
% Define the pixel size and create the grid
pixel_size = 10; % Adjust as needed
x_grid = min(utm_x):pixel_size:max(utm_x);
y_grid = min(utm_y):pixel_size:max(utm_y);
% Step 3: Calculate average RSRP for each pixel
num_pixels_x = numel(x_grid) - 1;
num_pixels_y = numel(y_grid) - 1;
average_rsrp = zeros(num_pixels_y, num_pixels_x); % Initialize the grid.
for i = 1:num_pixels_x
for j = 1:num_pixels_y
% Define the current pixel polygon.
polygon_x = [x_grid(i), x_grid(i + 1), x_grid(i + 1), x_grid(i)];
polygon_y = [y_grid(j), y_grid(j), y_grid(j + 1), y_grid(j + 1)];
% Check if measurements fall within the current pixel.
in_polygon = inpolygon(utm_x, utm_y, polygon_x, polygon_y);
% Calculate average RSRP for the measurements within the polygon.
if any(in_polygon)
rsrp_values_in_polygon = rsrp(in_polygon); % Replace with your RSRP data.
% Convert dBm to watts, compute average, and convert back to dBm.
rsrp_watts = 10 .^ (rsrp_values_in_polygon / 10);
average_rsrp(j, i) = 10 * log10(mean(rsrp_watts));
% Exclude cells with 0 value from the heatmap
average_rsrp(average_rsrp == 0) = NaN;
% Define the color for NaN values (white)
nanColor = [1, 1, 1]; % RGB color for white
% Plot the heatmap of average RSRP with NaN values represented as white
% Set the MissingDataColor property and the colormap
heatmap(x_grid(1:end-1), y_grid(1:end-1), average_rsrp, ...
'MissingDataColor', nanColor, Colormap=parula);
xlabel('UTM X');
ylabel('UTM Y');
title('Average RSRP Heatmap (Excluding 0 Values)');
  1 个评论
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2023-10-13
Do you receive warning and/or error messages? If so the full and exact text of those messages (all the text displayed in orange and/or red in the Command Window) may be useful in determining what's going on and how to avoid the warning and/or error.


回答(1 个)

Gyan Vaibhav
Gyan Vaibhav 2023-10-17
Hi Sangesh, 
To convert UTM coordinates back to degrees, you can add the “utm2deg” function to your code. Here's how you can modify your code to include the “utm2deg” function:
% Load your data
data = readmatrix('subtowersutm.xlsx');
% Extract latitude, longitude, and RSRP values.
measurement_lat = data(:, 1);
measurement_lon = data(:, 2);
rsrp = data(:, 11); % Adjust the column index for RSRP data.
% Check if the dimensions of Lat and Lon match
if size(measurement_lat) ~= size(measurement_lon)
error('Latitude and Longitude dimensions do not match.');
% Define the UTM zone for your area.
utm_zone = 32;
% Step 2: Transform Coordinates using the built-in 'deg2utm' function
[utm_x, utm_y, utm_zone] = deg2utm(measurement_lat, measurement_lon);
% Step 3: Convert UTM coordinates back to degrees using the 'utm2deg' function
[Lat, Lon] = utm2deg(utm_x, utm_y, utm_zone);
% Define the pixel size and create the grid
pixel_size = 10; % Adjust as needed
x_grid = min(utm_x):pixel_size:max(utm_x);
y_grid = min(utm_y):pixel_size:max(utm_y);
% Step 4: Calculate average RSRP for each pixel
num_pixels_x = numel(x_grid) - 1;
num_pixels_y = numel(y_grid) - 1;
average_rsrp = zeros(num_pixels_y, num_pixels_x); % Initialize the grid.
for i = 1:num_pixels_x
for j = 1:num_pixels_y
% Define the current pixel polygon.
polygon_x = [x_grid(i), x_grid(i + 1), x_grid(i + 1), x_grid(i)];
polygon_y = [y_grid(j), y_grid(j), y_grid(j + 1), y_grid(j + 1)];
% Check if measurements fall within the current pixel.
in_polygon = inpolygon(utm_x, utm_y, polygon_x, polygon_y);
% Calculate average RSRP for the measurements within the polygon.
if any(in_polygon)
rsrp_values_in_polygon = rsrp(in_polygon); % Replace with your RSRP data.
% Convert dBm to watts, compute average, and convert back to dBm.
rsrp_watts = 10 .^ (rsrp_values_in_polygon / 10);
average_rsrp(j, i) = 10 * log10(mean(rsrp_watts));
% Exclude cells with 0 value from the heatmap
average_rsrp(average_rsrp == 0) = NaN;
% Define the color for NaN values (white)
nanColor = [1, 1, 1]; % RGB color for white
% Plot the heatmap of average RSRP with NaN values represented as white
heatmap(x_grid(1:end-1), y_grid(1:end-1), average_rsrp, ...
'MissingDataColor', nanColor, 'Colormap', parula);
xlabel('UTM X');
ylabel('UTM Y');
title('Average RSRP Heatmap (Excluding 0 Values)');
% Function to convert UTM coordinates to degrees
function [Lat, Lon] = utm2deg(utm_x, utm_y, utm_zone)
% Implement the conversion logic here
% ...
I hope this helps to resolve the issue regarding usage of "utm2deg" function.
  1 个评论
Sangesh Pv
Sangesh Pv 2023-10-17
i need to implement in a way that the utm coordintes be converted to degrees so that the heatmap will be produced on top of a map.






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