- Launch App Designer by running a command like openExample('matlab/PulseGeneratorAppExample') to open a working copy of an example app. From there, you can modify and reorganize the app code, and write a MATLAB class to manage app data link.
- To create a subclass of another class, you would add the superclass to the classdef line followed by a < character. The syntax would look like this: classdef ClassName < SuperClass. If inheriting from multiple classes, use the & character: classdef ClassName < SuperClass1 & SuperClass2 link.
- You can create custom UI components either interactively in App Designer or programmatically as a subclass of the matlab.ui.componentcontainer.ComponentContainer base class. Once created, these custom components can be configured for use within App Designer link.
- There is a mention that MATLAB does not accept a uifigure having a non-native MATLAB class as a children. However, as an alternative solution, the UserData property of any MATLAB object can be used link.