strong.mat file not found in MATLAB installation

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi all,
I am tyring to run the MATLAB example in my instalation.
But the command load('strong.mat') does not work. I look in my MATLAB instalation and I cannot find the file in the signal processing toolkit. So it is not possible to run the example.
Any ideas? I have the latest version of MATLAB.
  2 个评论
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2023-10-23
There does not seem to be any "strong.mat" file in the directory.
However, another such example file, i.e. carsmall.mat from the Stats and ML toolbox is available (used in 1st example of gscatter) -
which strong.mat
'strong.mat' not found.
which carsmall.mat
Star Strider
Star Strider 2023-10-23
I just now tried this (in the Command Window) in MATLAB Online (since that may be different than doing the same command here) —
'strong.mat' not found.
It apparently just doesn’t exist.
I have the Signal Processing Toolbox, so I should have access to the file in MATLAB Online as well, if it’s available. It isn’t.



the cyclist
the cyclist 2023-10-23
编辑:the cyclist 2023-10-24
The reason is that starting with R2023a, the default MATLAB installation no longer install a local copy of the documentation. This question from the MW Support Team does not address your specific question, but has helpful info.
Your options are to install the documentation locally (using the instructions here), or go onto MATLAB Online to do that example.
Update: Please see also Walter's answer, which gives another handy option that I had forgotten about.
  2 个评论
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2023-10-23
Does the documentation contain corresponding '.mat' files? Or are they a part of the toolbox?
Marta 2023-10-23
移动:the cyclist 2023-10-24
Thanks a lot for all your help!!!! Really appreciated!!


更多回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-10-24
You need to run
If you do not have the documentation (with examples) installed, then MATLAB will download the necessary files from Mathworks. (This does require that you have an internet connection.)
If you do have local documentation installed then the file should already be available -- but until you run the appropriate openExample command, the file name is something else completely.
  1 个评论
the cyclist
the cyclist 2023-10-24
@Marta, for any example you find online, there will generally be a button that looks like this
that will copy the openExample command (like the one Walter has shared here).
As long as you have the corresponding toolbox, you should be able to run it locally. (The same is true for one's ability to run it online -- you need the toolbox, if it is not a core MATLAB example.)
I had forgotten about this possibility when I posted my answer.



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