How can I customize keyboard shortcuts using the New Desktop in MATLAB R2023b

17 次查看(过去 30 天)
In the Home tab, under Preferences, then MATLAB > Keyboard > Shortcuts there should be the option to Customize Keyboard Shortcuts. In the New Desktop version (R2023b) this option is not there. Also, the shortcuts from the Old Desktop version are not transfered to the New Desktop, they are different.
How do I customize the shortcuts in the New Desktop?

回答(1 个)

Harald 2023-10-26
Hi Simon,
for me in R2023b, I can select an action in the top portion of the window, and then see a + button and a - button for adding / removing shortcuts, see also
If those are not appearing for you, it may be worth contacting the Technical Support team about that.
To port your shortcuts from an earlier release, you can try exporting them in the old release ("Save As" via the settings menu in the top right) and in R2023b select that file underneath "Active Settings".
Best wishes,
  2 个评论
Simon Jacobsen
Simon Jacobsen 2023-10-27
Hi Harald,
thanks for the comment.
I tried to port my shortcuts using your steps. It created a .txt file but it is empty (only includes one line of copyright information).
I did come across a .xml file which appears to hold custom Mac settings. It does contain my customizations for "comment" and "uncomment". But I can't select this file in the "Active Settings" in the "New Desktop" version. It only allows me to select .txt files.
The .xml file looks as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CustomKeySet derivedfrom="Mac" modifieddefault="false">
<Context id="Global">
<Action id="comment">
<Stroke code="VK_R" meta="on" sysctrl="on"/>
<Action id="refresh"/>
<Action id="uncomment">
<Stroke alt="on" code="VK_SLASH" meta="on" sysctrl="on"/>
<Stroke code="VK_R" meta="on" shift="on" sysctrl="on"/>
Kind regards,
Harald 2023-11-3
Hi Simon,
my apologies for not replying sooner.
I do not have any deeper insights in this and recommend contacting the Technical Support team.
It may help with narrowing down the issue that you are using the "New Desktop" version on a Mac.
Best wishes,



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