Can I use a Matlab function as a callback of a C library when using loadlibrary and calllib ?

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I am using a C library in Matlab with loadlibrary and calllib.
In my C program, I refer to a callback function defined by an argument of a "setup" function (here named OnTime).
Can I pass a Matlab function to be used as this call back and how ?
(For information, loadlibrary gives me the following warning: Warning: The data type 'FcnPtr' used by function OnTime does not exist.)
Thanks in advance for your help.

回答(1 个)

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2023-10-26
No MATLAB function are propritary and cannot directly inferfacing with anything (else). You have to wrap it in appropiate interface function of whatever language (C in your case).


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