Hello all,
I want to load a Matlab file into the Simulink environment. I am sampling with 187500 Hz an 8-bit signal, and I would like to import that sample into Simulink.
The length of my signal is 4096 points.
I tried several things to load the data into Simulink with the form file:
Directly: So I imported a 1x4096 double array and changed the sample time to my frequency. Didn't show any signal in the scope. I tried to transpose my data, so I got a 4096x1 double array. Still, it didn't work.
With a 2D file, I tried to create a 2D array, so a 4096x2 with one column for the time and one for the data still didn't work. I tried to transpose it again, but it still didn't work.
With Timetable: I tried to pack the data into a timetable with the array2timetable function, but Simulink wasn't able to load the file at all.
I'm probably doing something fundamentally wrong.
I will attach my signal, my signal with a time column, and the Simulink file to load and display my signal.
I saved the Matlab file with the following command:
save SampleData2DTable.mat signal -v7.3;
Thanks for your help :)