how to convert gray images to rgb

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear all,
Anyone can help me how to convert my gray images to rgb. (as attached)
I tried this below command but failed:
%% Read main set data
clear all
close all
[spect map]=dicomread('spect128x128');
info = dicominfo('spect128x128');
map = hsv(256); % Or whatever colormap you want.
rgbImage = ind2rgb(spect, map); % im is a grayscale or indexed image.
  2 个评论
Shohei 2023-11-1
Are you trying to convert "volume" to RGB data?
As far as I know, ind2rgb support "image" data.
You can get RGB image of specific slice as following.
rgbImage = ind2rgb(spect(:,:,slice), map);
If you want to view RGB volume, you can also use sliceViewer.
colormap hsv
mohd akmal masud
mohd akmal masud 2023-11-1
编辑:mohd akmal masud 2023-11-1
Dear @Shohei,
Yah, I want to convert volume to rgb



Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-11-1
sc = round(rescale(spect,1, 256));
rgbBlock = permute(reshape(map(sc,:), size(sc,1), size(sc,2), [], 3), [1 2 4 3]);
rgbBlock is now 130 x 130 x 3 x 42 with each rgbBlock(:,:,:,K) being the rgb representation of slice #K according to the given colormap.
Note that the scalling done is overall not slice-by-slice. So for example slice 2 has an input maximum of 372 and slice 16 has a maximum value of 5540, so the second slice will take up only 372 / 5540 of the color space, which is less than 7%

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