Hey everyone,
I am writing my master thesis about airplane engine - propeller system numerical analysis. The main objective of this master's thesis is to develop a comprehensive MATLAB model that simulates F2D combat airplane engine and propeller systems. The model should allow for the systematic exploration of various engine and propeller parameters to identify the configurations that provide the best performance. So, the optimal values that strike a balance between engine and propeller parameters can be found and thereby ensuring the F2D combat sport airplanes operate near their performance limits while maintaining efficiency.
My question would be how should I convert real CAD geometry to matlab generic engine, or should I use CAD translations?
What is the more precise way of doing it?
Also, how to fit from real goemetry to Matlab parametrization?
I have watched the marine propeller and helicopter systems but haven't found any airplane ones, do you have any suggestions with more guidence to develp this kind of system?
Attaching my model and screenshot of it.
Thank you for your time and response!