Any one clear my idea to implement prohibited operation zone vector for 6 generators to get economic dispatch solution?

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am also facing the problem of implementing these Prohibited operation zone values as; Pg1-> [210 240] [350 380]; Pg2-> [90 110] [140 160]; Pg3-> [150 170] [210 240]; Pg4-> [80 90] [110 120]; Pg5-> [90 110] [140 150]; Pg6-> [75 85] [100 105]; for 6 generators using LSA. My problem is that I want to try these vector values with ramp limit coefficients. kindly help me in this to implement POZ values in LSA Code;

回答(1 个)

Abhishek Kumar Singh
编辑:Abhishek Kumar Singh 2023-12-28
Hello Asif,
To incorporate the Prohibited Operation Zones (POZs) constraints, you need to modify the Lambda Search Algorithm (LSA), which I assume you are referring to.
You can begin by defining the POZs and modify the objective functions to ensure that POZs are treated as additional constraints within this function. During the optimization process, check if the proposed generation level for each generator falls within any of its POZs.
Continue iterating, and check that all generation levels are feasible and comply with ramp rates.
Here's a highly simplified code for illustration purpose you can refer to. In a practical scenario, you'd likely use a more sophisticated optimization.
function economic_dispatch_with_POZ
% Define the demand
demand = 1000; % Total demand in MW
% Define the generator max and min outputs (in MW)
Pmax = [600, 400, 300, 200, 150, 100];
Pmin = [100, 50, 80, 50, 30, 20];
% Define the prohibited operation zones (POZs) for each generator
POZ = {
[210, 240; 350, 380], % POZs for generator 1
[90, 110; 140, 160], % POZs for generator 2
[150, 170; 210, 240], % POZs for generator 3
[80, 90; 110, 120], % POZs for generator 4
[90, 110; 140, 150], % POZs for generator 5
[75, 85; 100, 105] % POZs for generator 6
% Define ramp rate limits (in MW/h)
ramp_up_limit = [40, 30, 35, 25, 20, 15];
ramp_down_limit = [40, 30, 35, 25, 20, 15];
% Initialize lambda (cost coefficient)
lambda = 10; % Starting value for lambda
lambda_increment = 0.1; % Increment value for lambda
% Initialize generation outputs
Pg = Pmin;
% Start the lambda iteration
iteration_limit = 1000; % Limit to prevent infinite loop
iteration_count = 0;
% Start the lambda iteration
while iteration_count < iteration_limit
iteration_count = iteration_count + 1;
% Calculate total generation
total_generation = sum(Pg);
% Check if total generation meets demand
if abs(total_generation - demand) < 1e-1
% Demand is met, check for convergence of last three Pg values
if all(abs(Pg(end-2:end) - previous_Pg(end-2:end)) < 1e-3)
% Convergence criteria met, break the loop
disp(['Optimal numbers found at iteration: ', num2str(iteration_count)]);
% Adjust lambda based on whether we need more or less total generation
if total_generation < demand
lambda = lambda + lambda_increment;
lambda = lambda - lambda_increment;
% Update generation outputs based on lambda
for i = 1:length(Pg)
% Calculate new generation output
new_Pg = calculate_generation_output(lambda, Pmin(i), Pmax(i));
% Check ramp rate limits
new_Pg = max(Pg(i) - ramp_down_limit(i), min(new_Pg, Pg(i) + ramp_up_limit(i)));
% Check POZs and adjust generation output if necessary
for j = 1:size(POZ{i}, 1)
if new_Pg > POZ{i}(j, 1) && new_Pg < POZ{i}(j, 2)
if abs(new_Pg - POZ{i}(j, 1)) < abs(new_Pg - POZ{i}(j, 2))
new_Pg = POZ{i}(j, 1); % Adjust to just below POZ lower bound
new_Pg = POZ{i}(j, 2); % Adjust to just above POZ upper bound
% Update generation output
Pg(i) = new_Pg;
% Display the final generation outputs
disp('Final generation outputs (MW):');
Below is a helper function to calcaulate generation output based on lambda. Kindly note that this is just a placeholder for the actual cost function and in practical scenario, cost curves of the generators will be used. For simplicity, a linear relationship between generation output and lambda is assumed.
function Pg = calculate_generation_output(lambda, Pmin, Pmax)
% Helper function to calculate generation output
Pg = lambda * (Pmax - Pmin) + Pmin;
Pg = min(max(Pg, Pmin), Pmax);
I hope this helps clarify the approach to implementing POZs in an economic dispatch solution.
  3 个评论
ASIF 2024-1-2
Thanks again "Abhishek Kumar Singh". can you help me to implement PSO for 24 hours for economic dispatch instead of hour by hour based on 3 thermal units. here is the following attached code,
model.PD=[ 140, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180, 210, 230, 240, 250, 240, 220, 200, 180, 170, 185, 200, 240, 225, 190, 160, 145] ;
model.plants.pmin=[37 40 50];
model.plants.pmax=[150 160 190];
model.plants.a=[0.024 0.029 0.021];
model.plants.b=[21 20.16 20.4];
model.plants.c=[1530 992 600];
%% ModelCalculations
function out=ModelCalculations(X,model)
fc=a.*(X.^2)+ b.*(X)+c;
%% Problem Definition
CostFunction = @(X) Mycost(X,model); % Cost Function
nVar = model.nplant; % Number of Decision Variables
VarSize = [1 nVar]; % Size of Decision Variables Matrix
VarMin = [37 40 50]; % Lower Bound of Variables
VarMax = [150 160 190]; % Upper Bound of Variables with thermal only
%% PSO Parameters
MaxIt = 1000; % Maximum Number of Iterations
nPop =800; % Population Size (Swarm Size)
% PSO Parameters
wmax=0.9; % Inertia Weight
wdamp = 0.99; % Inertia Weight Damping Ratio
c1 = 1.5; % Personal Learning Coefficient
c2 = 2.0; % Global Learning Coefficient
% If you would like to use Constriction Coefficients for PSO,
% uncomment the following block and comment the above set of parameters.
% Velocity Limits
VelMax = 0.2*(VarMax-VarMin);
VelMin = -VelMax;
%% Initialization
empty_particle.Position = [];
empty_particle.Cost = [];
empty_particle.out = [];
empty_particle.Velocity = [];
empty_particle.Best.Position = [];
empty_particle.Best.Cost = [];
empty_particle.Best.out = [];
particle = repmat(empty_particle, nPop, 1);
BestSol.Cost = inf;
for i = 1:nPop
% Initialize Position
particle(i).Position = unifrnd(VarMin, VarMax, VarSize);
% Initialize Velocity
particle(i).Velocity = zeros(VarSize);
% Evaluation
%[particle(i).Cost] = CostFunction(particle(i).Position);
[particle(i).Cost, particle(i).out] = CostFunction(particle(i).Position);
% Update Personal Best
particle(i).Best.Position = particle(i).Position;
particle(i).Best.Cost = particle(i).Cost;
particle(i).Best.out = particle(i).out;
% Update Global Best
if particle(i).Best.Cost<BestSol.Cost
BestSol = particle(i).Best;
BestCost = zeros(MaxIt, 1);
%% PSO Main Loop
%fcMatrix = zeros(MaxIt, numel(BestSol.out.fc)); % Matrix to store fc values for each iteration
for it = 1:MaxIt
for i = 1:nPop
% Update Velocity
particle(i).Velocity = w*particle(i).Velocity ...
+c1*rand(VarSize).*(particle(i).Best.Position-particle(i).Position) ...
% Apply Velocity Limits
particle(i).Velocity = max(particle(i).Velocity, VelMin);
particle(i).Velocity = min(particle(i).Velocity, VelMax);
% Update Position
particle(i).Position = particle(i).Position + particle(i).Velocity;
% Velocity Mirror Effect
IsOutside = (particle(i).Position<VarMin | particle(i).Position>VarMax);
particle(i).Velocity(IsOutside) = -particle(i).Velocity(IsOutside);
% Apply Position Limits
particle(i).Position = max(particle(i).Position, VarMin);
particle(i).Position = min(particle(i).Position, VarMax);
% Evaluation
%[particle(i).Cost] = CostFunction(particle(i).Position);
[particle(i).Cost, particle(i).out] = CostFunction(particle(i).Position);
% Update Personal Best
if particle(i).Cost<particle(i).Best.Cost
particle(i).Best.Position = particle(i).Position;
particle(i).Best.Cost = particle(i).Cost;
particle(i).Best.out = particle(i).out;
% Update Global Best
if particle(i).Best.Cost<BestSol.Cost
BestSol = particle(i).Best;
BestCost(it) = BestSol.Cost;
% Store fc values for each iteration
% fcMatrix(it, :) = BestSol.out.fc;
% Display the power information for each variable
disp(['Iteration ' num2str(it) ': Best Cost = ' num2str(BestCost(it))]);
w = w*wdamp;



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