Eliminate Zero Spikes in Plot

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Joerg Fricke-Schmidt
编辑: Harald 2023-11-13
A calculated curve (red, "brush contact force") is based on the smoothness of the original curves (blue, "brush position" and black, "shaft surface position"). Since oscillation in the original curves will lead to "Zero" values in the red curve the plot has areas including spikes down to 0. How can I eliminate those "zero" spikes in brush contact force data keeping the upper curve shape? Only the upper curve shape is needed for further analysis.

回答(1 个)

Harald 2023-11-10
Hi Jörg,
if possible, please provide example data so that we can try our suggestions. Two thoughts I would try:
  • rmoutliers
  • movmax, and then removing duplicates
Best wishes,
  4 个评论
Joerg Fricke-Schmidt
Oh sh..., sorry. Forgot to put the time in.
Now it should work.
Thanks a lot!
Harald 2023-11-13
编辑:Harald 2023-11-13
Hi Jörg,
in this case, it's actually sufficient to just remove the rows with 0 in the second column:
Fc_(Fc_(:,2) == 0, :) = [];
Best wishes,



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