Hi Tero,
I understand you want to automate the entire process of uploading a file to MATLAB Drive and generating a shareable link.
Unfortunately, there is currently no way to generate a shareable link directly through the MATLAB command window. However, you can create and upload folders and files to your MATLAB Drive. Here is an example to do that:
% Define the folder name and path
folderName = 'nameOfTheFolderToSHare';
folderPath = fullfile(matlabdrive, folderName);
% Create the folder in MATLAB Drive
if ~exist(folderPath, 'dir')
% Define the files to be uploaded (change to your file paths)
filePaths = {'/path/to/your/file1.m', '/path/to/your/file2.m'};
% Upload files to the created folder
for i = 1:length(filePaths)
[~, fileName, ext] = fileparts(filePaths{i});
destination = fullfile(folderPath, [fileName, ext]);
copyfile(filePaths{i}, destination);
To share the folder and generate a shareable link and manage user permissions for the link you still have to use the MATLAB UI.
To know more about managing files and folders in MATLAB you could refer to the below MATLAB's documentation.