Why is there no Integrator with data type single ?

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
My Simulink system is supposed to run with only single datatype. But I have not found an integrator with single data type, also there is not an option to construct one by myself, because the Transfer function block outputs as well only double.
Is casting to double before the integrator and back to single after the integrator the only solution ?

回答(1 个)

Paul 2023-11-15
How about using a Discrete Time Integrator?
  2 个评论
Christian Luciano Maendle
编辑:Christian Luciano Maendle 2023-11-15
Thank you for your suggestion. But is there anything for continuous signals ?
Paul 2023-11-15
Not that I'm aware of, but I'm not much of a user of different precision data types.
If you don't mind me asking, what kind of continuous-time signal do you want to represent represent with single precision?



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