Im working with algae growth linked to the light. I don't know how to write the integral on matlab inside the the light intensity formulation.

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function u = bioreactors
clear all
% Forward Euler method is used for solving the following boundary value problem:
% U(0,t) = 0
% U(L,t) = u (end-1,t)
% U(z, 0) = U0(z)=0
% it is assumed that the concentration of C,N,P are costant
% Problem parameters
alpha1 = 5*10^(-4);
mu0 = 0.5;
mue = 0.035;
Hl = 5;
T = 10^3; % [s]
nz = 100; nt = 100;
KP = 0.7 ;
HP= 7;
P = 0.2 ;
PC = 0.1;
K = 0.50;
KN = 0.35 ;
HN = 14.5*10^(-6);
N = 0.3;
NC = 0.2;
KC = 0.5;
HC = 5 ;
C = 0.4 ;
PHs3 = 0.4 ;
PHs4 = 0.5;
Z = 10;
lambda = 2 ;
%Check of the problem's parameters
if any([P-PC N-NC] <=0 )
error('Check problem parameters')
if any([alpha1 mu0 Hl Z T nz-2 nt-2 KP P PC HC KN N NC KC HC C HN ] <= 0)
error('Check problem parameters')
% Stability
dz=Z/nz ;
dt = T/nt;
r = alpha1*dt/((dz)^2);
st = 1;
while (2*r) > st
nt = nt+1;
% Initialization
z = linspace(0,Z,nz+1); t = linspace(0,T,nt+1);
f1= (KP*(P-PC))/(HP+(P-PC));
f2 = (KN*(N-NC))/(HN+(N-NC));
pH = (6.35 - log10(C)) /2 ;
f3 = 1/(1+exp(lambda*(pH-PHs3)));
f4 = 1/(1+exp(lambda*(pH-PHs4)));
I0 = 100*max(sin ((t-0.4*3600)/(6.28)) , sin (0));
%I = ???% Dont know how to write it on matlab.
% Finite-difference method
for j=2:nt+1
u(1) = 0; % Condizione al contorno di Dirichlet
g = (mu0.*I(j))/(Hl+I(j)); decay = g(j)*f1*f2*f3-mue*f4;
u(end) = u(end); % Condizione al contorno di Neumann
xlabel('u'); ylabel('z');
axis([0 0.05 0 10]);
The integral is in the page 9 of the attachment "algae". The light intensity(I) formulation can be found at page 2, formulation number (3), it is a value which changes through the space z and the time.
As a result i should see a plot in which the mass of microorganism changes over the space and the time, something like this:
On Z=0 there is the light while in Z=5 there is no light so that's why the mass of microorganisms is equal to 0, they are photosynthetic algae.
  2 个评论
Alfonso 2023-11-18
编辑:Alfonso 2023-11-18
Yes, i want just to have the growth of microorganisms over the space and time. If you dont have some parameters just choose a value random, then i'll change it with real ones.


回答(2 个)

Torsten 2023-11-18
移动:Torsten 2023-11-18
Where is your discretization of d^2w/dz^2 ? Where do you implement the boundary conditions dw/dz = 0 at z = 0 and z = L ?
You have to discretize equation (1) of the article in space and use an ode-integrator (usually ode15s) to integrate the values in the grid points over time.
Look up "method-of-lines" for more details.
I suggest you do this first without the integral term. After you succeeded, add the three ordinary differential equations for N,P and C and use "trapz" to compute the integral term.
  1 个评论
Alfonso 2023-11-18
编辑:Alfonso 2023-11-18
i've already done the discretization of the equation (1) which is u(2:end-1)=(1-2*r-decay*dt)*u(2:end-1)+r*(u(1:end-2)+u(3:end)); but inside this formula there is the "decay" term which has "g" which depends by the "I" term which has an integral that I don't know how to insert inside matlab, this is the problem.
For the boundary condition i put:
  • For z=0 --> u(1)=0, Dirichlet
  • For z=L --> u(end)=u(end-1), Noemann equal to 0
You can find everything inside the for cycle. In fact, I just used a for cycle which is simpler to define the discretized w over the time, i'm a student so i'm not so good in doing this work.
But the problem that i don't know how to solve is that the I changes its values also during the space and my for cycle takes into account only the time and not the space.
Regarding N, P, C i want first to make the code going, then i'll go through their equations, so for now you see just some values of them without any formulas.


Torsten 2023-11-19
移动:Torsten 2023-11-19
My suggestion:
z = linspace(0,Z,nz+1); t = linspace(0,T,nt+1);
I0 = @(t) 100*max(sin ((t-0.4*3600)/(6.28)) , sin (0));
w(:,1) = ... % w at time t = 0
for j = 1:nt
I_in = I0(t(j))*exp(-k*z.').*exp(-rs)*cumtrapz(z.',w(:,j));
g = mu0*I_in./(H_l+I_in);
integral_term = f1 * f2 * f3 * trapz(z.',g.*w(:,j));
w(2:nz,j+1) = w(2:nz,j) + dt*...
w(1,j+1) = w(2,j+1);
w(nz+1,j+1) = w(nz,j+1);
  27 个评论



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