Tune FIS with Training Data

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
In the example contained in the Fuzzy logic user guide documentation by mathworks, Tune Fuzzy Inference System at the Command Line, page 225, I understand the code used for tuning the FIS, but i dont know how they come up with tunedfismpgprediction.mat . below is the sample code:
[data,name] = loadGasData;
X = data(:,1:6);
Y = data(:,7);
trnX = X(1:2:end,:); % Training input data set
trnY = Y(1:2:end,:); % Training output data set
vldX = X(2:2:end,:); % Validation input data set
vldY = Y(2:2:end,:); % Validation output data set
dataRange = [min(data)' max(data)'];
fisin = mamfis;
for i = 1:6
fisin = addInput(fisin,dataRange(i,:),'Name',name(i),'NumMFs',2);
fisin = addOutput(fisin,dataRange(7,:),'Name',name(7),'NumMFs',64);
options = tunefisOptions('Method','particleswarm',...
'OptimizationType','learning', ...
options.MethodOptions.MaxIterations = 20;
runtunefis = false;
%% This is the stage where am confused, I dont know how they get tunedfismpgprediction.mat
if runtunefis
fisout1 = tunefis(fisin,[],trnX,trnY,options); %#ok
tunedfis = load('tunedfismpgprediction.mat');
fisout1 = tunedfis.fisout1;
fprintf('Training RMSE = %.3f MPG\n',calculateRMSE(fisout1,trnX,trnY));


Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2023-11-25
编辑:Sam Chak 2023-11-25
Long story short, the MATLAB data file 'tunedfismpgprediction.mat' contains 2 pre-trained FIS files because this is a two-stage tuning process. In the MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox, developers have already tuned the FIS so that you can directly load them to see the results. You only need those FIS files when the 'runtunefis' parameter is set to 'false'. See my annotations below. Took me more than an hour to find facts and prepare the annotated code.
You can read the article in this link for more details:
%% Load automobile fuel consumption data (https://archive.ics.uci.edu/dataset/9/auto+mpg)
[data,name] = loadGasData; % previous MATLAB versions used loadgas
X = data(:,1:6);
Y = data(:,7);
trnX = X(1:2:end,:); % Training input data set
trnY = Y(1:2:end,:); % Training output data set
vldX = X(2:2:end,:); % Validation input data set
vldY = Y(2:2:end,:); % Validation output data set
dataRange = [min(data)' max(data)'];
%% Create a Mamdani FIS for tuning
fisin = mamfis;
for i = 1:6
fisin = addInput(fisin, dataRange(i,:), 'Name', name(i), 'NumMFs', 2);
fisin = addOutput(fisin, dataRange(7,:), 'Name', name(7), 'NumMFs', 64);
%% Setting
runtunefis = true; % set true if you really want to learn tuning FIS from scratch
% runtunefis = false; % set false to load pre-trained results if you can't wait 5 min
%% Stage 1: Learn the rule base using Particle Swarm optimizer, while keeping the input and output MF parameters constant
options = tunefisOptions('Method', 'particleswarm', 'OptimizationType', 'learning', 'NumMaxRules', 64);
options.MethodOptions.MaxIterations = 20;
if runtunefis
fisout1 = tunefis(fisin, [], trnX, trnY, options); % carry out the tuning
else % if set false previously, it loads the already tuned FIS
tunedfis = load('tunedfismpgprediction.mat'); % there are 2 FIS files
fisout1 = tunedfis.fisout1; % the PSO-tuned FIS in Stage 1 is named 'fisout1.fis'
fprintf('Training RMSE = %.3f MPG\n',calculateRMSE(fisout1, trnX, trnY));
plotfis(fisout1) % view the PSO-tuned FIS
[fisout1.Rules.Description]' % view all tuned 64 Rules, if you like
plotActualAndExpectedResultsWithRMSE(fisout1, vldX, vldY) % calculate the RMSE to check accuracy
%% Stage 2: Use the rule base from Stage 1 to tune the parameters of the input/output MFs and rules using the Pattern Search optimizer
[in, out, rule] = getTunableSettings(fisout1);
options.OptimizationType = 'tuning';
options.Method = 'patternsearch';
options.MethodOptions.MaxIterations = 60;
options.MethodOptions.UseCompletePoll = true;
if runtunefis % if previously set true, it will tune Stage 1 FIS using Pattern Search optimizer
fisout = tunefis(fisout1, [in; out; rule], trnX, trnY, options);
else % if previously set false, it will retrieve the already tuned Stage 2 FIS
fisout = tunedfis.fisout; % the Pattern Search-tuned FIS in Stage 2 is named 'fisout.fis'
fprintf('Training RMSE = %.3f MPG\n',calculateRMSE(fisout, trnX, trnY));
plotfis(fisout) % view the Pattern Search-tuned FIS
plotActualAndExpectedResultsWithRMSE(fisout, vldX, vldY); % calculate the RMSE to check accuracy
% There are 2 Local functions that you need to create
%% Local function #1
function plotActualAndExpectedResultsWithRMSE(fis, x, y)
% Calculate RMSE bewteen actual and expected results
[rmse, actY] = calculateRMSE(fis, x, y);
% Plot results
hold on
bar(min(actY, y),'FaceColor', [0.5 0.5 0.5])
hold off
axis([0 200 0 60])
xlabel("Validation input dataset index"),
legend(["Actual MPG" "Expected MPG" "Minimum of actual and expected values"], 'Location', 'NorthWest')
title("RMSE = " + num2str(rmse) + " MPG")
xlabel("Validation input dataset index"),ylabel("Error (MPG)")
title("Difference Between Actual and Expected Values")
%% Local function #2 (this one can be embedded in the local function #1)
function [rmse, actY] = calculateRMSE(fis, x, y)
% Specify options for FIS evaluation
persistent evalOptions
if isempty(evalOptions)
evalOptions = evalfisOptions("EmptyOutputFuzzySetMessage", "none", "NoRuleFiredMessage", "none", "OutOfRangeInputValueMessage", "none");
% Evaluate FIS
actY = evalfis(fis, x, evalOptions);
% Calculate RMSE
del = actY - y;
rmse = sqrt(mean(del.^2)); % the rmse() function was introduced in R2022b
% See https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/rmse.html
  5 个评论
Ahmad 2023-12-6
@Sam Chak concerning the last code you provided, can I use anfis at the end to tune the parameters of the genetic algorithm? if yes, then I will write a seperate question on that. or
can I first use anfis to train the dataset (learn the rules), then use either genetic algorithm or particle swarm to tune the parameters of the ANFIS? Thank you Sir
Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2023-12-6
It is unnecessary to open a new question because it is directly related to the issue of selecting the desired tuning algorithm. I have provided a second answer (with code) below. If you find the solution helpful, please consider giving it a 👍 vote. Thanks a bunch!


更多回答(2 个)

Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2023-12-6
Hi @Ahmad,
You have the option to select one of the five tuning algorithms as shown below:
  • "ga" — genetic algorithm
  • "particleswarm" — particle swarm
  • "patternsearch" — pattern search
  • "simulannealbnd" — simulated annealing algorithm
  • "anfis" — adaptive neuro-fuzzy
Note that the first four tuning algorithms require the Global Optimization Toolbox, while the "anfis" method is a built-in algorithm in the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox.
In the following code, the "anfis" method is used to learn the rule base in Stage 1, and the result is employed in Stage 2 to tune the parameters of the fuzzy system using the "ga" method.
%% Load automobile fuel consumption data (https://archive.ics.uci.edu/dataset/9/auto+mpg)
[data,name] = loadGasData; % previous MATLAB versions used loadgas
X = data(:,1:6);
Y = data(:,7);
trnX = X(1:2:end,:); % Training input data set
trnY = Y(1:2:end,:); % Training output data set
vldX = X(2:2:end,:); % Validation input data set
vldY = Y(2:2:end,:); % Validation output data set
dataRange = [min(data)' max(data)'];
%% Create a Mamdani FIS for tuning
fisin = mamfis;
for i = 1:6
fisin = addInput(fisin, dataRange(i,:), 'Name', name(i), 'NumMFs', 2);
fisin = addOutput(fisin, dataRange(7,:), 'Name', name(7), 'NumMFs', 64);
%% Stage 1: Learn only the rule base of the FIS using ANFIS
options = tunefisOptions('Method', 'anfis', 'OptimizationType', 'learning', 'NumMaxRules', 64);
options.MethodOptions.MaxIterations = 20;
fisout1 = tunefis(fisin, [], trnX, trnY, options); % carry out the tuning
fprintf('Training RMSE = %.3f MPG\n', calculateRMSE(fisout1, trnX, trnY));
plotfis(fisout1) % view the PSO-tuned FIS
[fisout1.Rules.Description]' % view all tuned 64 Rules, if you like
plotActualAndExpectedResultsWithRMSE(fisout1, vldX, vldY) % calculate the RMSE to check accuracy
%% Stage 2: Use rule base from Stage 1 to tune FIS parameters using Genetic Algorithm
[in, out, rule] = getTunableSettings(fisout1);
options.OptimizationType = 'tuning';
options.Method = 'ga'; % Genetic Algorithm
options.MethodOptions.MaxIterations = 60;
options.MethodOptions.UseCompletePoll = true;
fisout = tunefis(fisout1, [in; out; rule], trnX, trnY, options);
fprintf('Training RMSE = %.3f MPG\n', calculateRMSE(fisout, trnX, trnY));
plotfis(fisout) % view the Pattern Search-tuned FIS
plotActualAndExpectedResultsWithRMSE(fisout, vldX, vldY); % calculate the RMSE to check accuracy
% There are 2 Local functions that you need to create
%% Local function #1
function plotActualAndExpectedResultsWithRMSE(fis, x, y)
% Calculate RMSE bewteen actual and expected results
[rmse, actY] = calculateRMSE(fis, x, y);
% Plot results
hold on
bar(min(actY, y),'FaceColor', [0.5 0.5 0.5])
hold off
axis([0 200 0 60])
xlabel("Validation input dataset index"),
legend(["Actual MPG" "Expected MPG" "Minimum of actual and expected values"], 'Location', 'NorthWest')
title("RMSE = " + num2str(rmse) + " MPG")
xlabel("Validation input dataset index"),ylabel("Error (MPG)")
title("Difference Between Actual and Expected Values")
%% Local function #2 (this one can be embedded in the local function #1)
function [rmse, actY] = calculateRMSE(fis, x, y)
% Specify options for FIS evaluation
persistent evalOptions
if isempty(evalOptions)
evalOptions = evalfisOptions("EmptyOutputFuzzySetMessage", "none", "NoRuleFiredMessage", "none", "OutOfRangeInputValueMessage", "none");
% Evaluate FIS
actY = evalfis(fis, x, evalOptions);
% Calculate RMSE
del = actY - y;
rmse = sqrt(mean(del.^2)); % the rmse() function was introduced in R2022b
% See https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/rmse.html
  4 个评论
Ahmad 2023-12-9
after editing it, its still showing an error message, I think the error is because there is no rules in the fisin, the anfis is supposed to come after using PSO to learn the rules. This is the error message:
Error using tunefis
FIS must have rules.
Error in samchakcode (line 27)
fisout1 = tunefis(fisin, [], trnX, trnY, options); % carry out the tuning
Michael Bamidele
Michael Bamidele 2024-5-28
%% Stage 2: Use rule base from Stage 1 to tune FIS parameters using Genetic Algorithm
[in, out, rule] = getTunableSettings(fisout1);
options.OptimizationType = 'tuning';
options.Method = 'ga'; % Genetic Algorithm
%options.MethodOptions.MaxIterations = 60;
%options.MethodOptions.UseCompletePoll = true;
%comment out these two lines for the codes to run well


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-11-24
if runtunefis
fisout1 = tunefis(fisin,[],trnX,trnY,options); %#ok
and before the else there is an implied
save('tunedfismpgprediction.mat', 'fisout1');


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