I am applying ARIMA

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Seemant Tiwari
Seemant Tiwari 2023-11-25
Hi all,
I have time series data.
My input series is Temperature, humidity, pressure
And i want to predict wind speed one day ahead, so my target series is wind speed
I am arranging my data for 1 day ahead prediction like:
d = ones(1,365);
X_new = [Temperature; humidity; pressure];
X = mat2cell (X_new, 3, 24*d);
Input series = X
T_new = [wind speed];
T = mat2cell (T_new,1, 24*d);
Target series = T
For next step i want to calculate p, d, q Can any one help me to write code for next step about my input series and target series


Hassaan 2024-1-8
编辑:Hassaan 2024-1-8
% Assuming X_new and T_new are your full datasets for temperature, humidity,
% pressure, and wind speed respectively
% Reshape the data into a 365x24 matrix (assuming hourly data)
Temperature = reshape(Temperature, 24, []); % Reshape into 24-hour segments
Humidity = reshape(Humidity, 24, []);
Pressure = reshape(Pressure, 24, []);
WindSpeed = reshape(WindSpeed, 24, []);
% Prepare the dataset for ARIMA; usually ARIMA works with univariate series,
% so you may need to run separate models for each input or create a multivariate model.
% Here's how you would prepare for a univariate ARIMA for wind speed prediction.
% For simplicity, let's predict wind speed based on its past values.
% Flatten the data back to a vector for ARIMA
WindSpeedVector = WindSpeed(:);
% Divide the data into training and testing
trainData = WindSpeedVector(1:end-24); % all data except the last day
testData = WindSpeedVector(end-23:end); % the last day for validation
% Use autocorrelation to determine a good starting point for 'p' and 'q'
% Use ADF test to determine if data is stationary or how much differencing 'd' is needed
[~,pValue,~,~,~] = adftest(trainData);
% If pValue is greater than 0.05, we may need to difference the data
if pValue > 0.05
d = 1;
d = 0;
% Initialize a range of p and q to try
p = 0:3;
q = 0:3;
% Initialize AIC, BIC matrices to store the values for each model
AIC = zeros(length(p), length(q));
BIC = zeros(length(p), length(q));
% Grid search over p and q values
for i = 1:length(p)
for j = 1:length(q)
model = arima(p(i), d, q(j));
[fit,~,logL] = estimate(model, trainData, 'Display', 'off');
[aic, bic] = aicbic(logL, numParams(fit), length(trainData));
AIC(i,j) = aic;
BIC(i,j) = bic;
catch e
% If model fails to converge, assign a large AIC/BIC
AIC(i,j) = inf;
BIC(i,j) = inf;
% Find the indices of the minimum AIC and BIC
[minAIC, idxAIC] = min(AIC(:));
[minBIC, idxBIC] = min(BIC(:));
% Convert linear indices to subscripts to find corresponding p and q values
[pAIC, qAIC] = ind2sub(size(AIC), idxAIC);
[pBIC, qBIC] = ind2sub(size(BIC), idxBIC);
% Display the results
fprintf('Optimal p and q according to AIC: p = %d, q = %d\n', pAIC, qAIC);
fprintf('Optimal p and q according to BIC: p = %d, q = %d\n', pBIC, qBIC);
A basic grid search approach for determining the ARIMA model's p and q parameters based on AIC and BIC, and d based on the ADF test. The autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation plots can provide insights into potential values for p and q. You might need to adjust the code according to your specific data structure and requirements.
If you find the solution helpful and it resolves your issue, it would be greatly appreciated if you could accept the answer. Also, leaving an upvote and a comment are also wonderful ways to provide feedback.
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  2 个评论
Seemant Tiwari
Seemant Tiwari 2024-1-23
Plz share your mail id.
Thank you very much
Seemant Tiwari
Seemant Tiwari 2024-1-27
I want to create model. now i know p, d, q value. can you tell me, how can we get these values?
MD = ARIMA ('AR', { }, 'MA', { }, 'SAR', { }, 'SMA', { }, 'D', .., 'SEASONALITY',.., 'CONSTANT',.., 'VARIANCE'..)
How shall we calculate value of SAR, SMA, CONSTANT AND VARIANCE.?
For AR value is 1
MA value is 1
D is 1


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