UAV package delivery waypoints shortcut 4

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I would like to change the waypoints for the obstacle avoidance shortcut in the UAV package delivery project. it uses no qgc, so when i change the oaMission.plan, there is no change in the flight path. ideally, i would like to put my 7 waypoints in xyz form. Any help would be appreciated. Also, how would i change the initial position?


Vidip 2023-12-27
I understand that you want to change waypoints and initial positions in a UAV package delivery project.
For this you can use ‘addWaypoint’ function, it adds a waypoint mission item that commands the UAV to travel to the specified waypoint. It also sets additional options specified by one or more name-value pair arguments in addition to all input arguments from the previous syntax. For example, addWaypoint(mission,waypoints,Frame="LocalNED") adds a waypoint mission item with the coordinates specified in the local north-east-down (NED) reference frame.
And to change the map and start location in the UAV Package Delivery Example, you can refer to the below link-
For further information, refer to the documentation link below:

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