How can I stack two bars next to each other on top of a single bar in a bar graph?

15 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to make a balanced field length graph (see image below):
How can I stack the two bars next to each other on top of the 'distance V1'
I tried using the options 'stacked' and 'grouped' seperately but this didn't work.
My code is below:
S = 845;
mu = 0.015;
g = 9.81;
T1 = 360000;
T3 = 360000*3;
T4 = 360000*4;
CDt= 0.038;
CLt = 0.6;
rho = 1.275;
V1 = linspace(0,75,15);
VR = linspace(0,77,50);
W5 = 575000*9.81;
T0 = 0;
mub = 0.40;
p = g*((T4/W5)-mu);
q = -((g*(CDt-mu*CLt)*rho*S)/(2*W5));
sv1 = 1/(2*q)*(log(p+q*V1.^2)-log(p)); % distance to accelerate to v1
Vb = linspace(0,75,15);
pb = g*((T0/W5)-mub);
qb = -((g*(CDt-mub*CLt)*rho*S)/(2*W5));
svb = (1/(2*qb)*(log(pb)-log(pb+qb*Vb.^2))); % distance to decelerate from v1
p34 = g*((T3/W5)-mu);
q34 = -((g*(CDt-mu*CLt)*rho*S)/(2*W5));
Vlof = 90-V1;
sv34 = 1/(2*q34).*(log(p34+q34*Vlof.^2)-log(p34));
Z = [svb;sv34];
z_trans = transpose(Z);
bar(z_trans); % distance to V1
grid on
hold off
  1 个评论
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2023-12-20
One approach for obtaining the output would be to use patch/fill objects on top of the bar plot.
However, it's too late here, so I am off. Try experimenting with the approach. Hopefully someone else can help you in case you have more questions regarding the approach or your question in general.



Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2023-12-22
Here's the visualization of the approach I mentioned -
S = 845;
mu = 0.015;
g = 9.81;
T1 = 360000;
T3 = 360000*3;
T4 = 360000*4;
CDt= 0.038;
CLt = 0.6;
rho = 1.275;
V1 = linspace(0,75,15);
VR = linspace(0,77,50);
W5 = 575000*9.81;
T0 = 0;
mub = 0.40;
p = g*((T4/W5)-mu);
q = -((g*(CDt-mu*CLt)*rho*S)/(2*W5));
sv1 = 1/(2*q)*(log(p+q*V1.^2)-log(p)); % distance to accelerate to v1
Vb = linspace(0,75,15);
pb = g*((T0/W5)-mub);
qb = -((g*(CDt-mub*CLt)*rho*S)/(2*W5));
svb = (1/(2*qb)*(log(pb)-log(pb+qb*Vb.^2))); % distance to decelerate from v1
p34 = g*((T3/W5)-mu);
q34 = -((g*(CDt-mu*CLt)*rho*S)/(2*W5));
Vlof = 90-V1;
sv34 = 1/(2*q34).*(log(p34+q34*Vlof.^2)-log(p34));
Z = [svb;sv34];
%plot the bar graph
b = bar(sv1);
hold on
%% Get the x coordinates of the tip of the bars
%y values can be obtained similarly, but they are simpy the values of the
%variable for which the bar is plotted
x = b.XEndPoints;
%% Calculating the half width of a bar
%i.e. = total available space * bar width of the graph / 2
%0.8 is the default bar width
hwidth = (x(2)-x(1))*0.8/2;
for k=1:numel(x)
patch(x(k) + [0 hwidth hwidth 0], sv1(k) + [0 0 Z(1,k) Z(1, k)], 'r', 'LineStyle', 'none')
patch(x(k) - [0 hwidth hwidth 0], sv1(k) + [0 0 Z(2,k) Z(2, k)], 'g', 'LineStyle', 'none')
%Bring the bar graph on top
uistack(b, 'top')

更多回答(1 个)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2023-12-20
Is this what you're looking for? I don't know what "distance V1" is.
The only change I made was to add "stacked" to this line
S = 845;
mu = 0.015;
g = 9.81;
T1 = 360000;
T3 = 360000*3;
T4 = 360000*4;
CDt= 0.038;
CLt = 0.6;
rho = 1.275;
V1 = linspace(0,75,15);
VR = linspace(0,77,50);
W5 = 575000*9.81;
T0 = 0;
mub = 0.40;
p = g*((T4/W5)-mu);
q = -((g*(CDt-mu*CLt)*rho*S)/(2*W5));
sv1 = 1/(2*q)*(log(p+q*V1.^2)-log(p)); % distance to accelerate to v1
Vb = linspace(0,75,15);
pb = g*((T0/W5)-mub);
qb = -((g*(CDt-mub*CLt)*rho*S)/(2*W5));
svb = (1/(2*qb)*(log(pb)-log(pb+qb*Vb.^2))); % distance to decelerate from v1
p34 = g*((T3/W5)-mu);
q34 = -((g*(CDt-mu*CLt)*rho*S)/(2*W5));
Vlof = 90-V1;
sv34 = 1/(2*q34).*(log(p34+q34*Vlof.^2)-log(p34));
Z = [svb;sv34];
z_trans = transpose(Z);
bar(z_trans,'stacked'); % distance to V1
grid on


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