Problem joining blocks Simscape
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Hi, I develop a circuit using Simscape blocks. My input signal is developed by simulink blocks, "random number + Matlab function block". I use the simulink-PS converter to join this signal to my circuit, but i can't. What is the problem? Thanks in advance.
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Guy Rouleau
Are you connecting the output of the Simulink->PS converter to a source block?
I recommend looking at demos to understand the difference between a physical signal output by the S->PS block and the physical connection between Simscape components.
For more specific help, add more details or an image of your model.
3 个评论
Guy Rouleau
Simscape should be good for your problem.
The problem is that Simscape does not know if the signal coming from the S-PS is your desired current or voltage.
You need a block to specify that, pick one of those:
For the voltage sensor, it should connect, try to connect it a bit farther from the Capacitor port.
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Aswin ram V
hi , direct connection between one or more physical signal converters found. Direct connections between physical signal converters is not currently supported.what's the problem?
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