I'm trying to run a simple pthloss calculation using the Longley-Rice model and a cartesian coordinate system. Below is a simple example that fails. I've run this in 2020b, 2023a and the online 2023b and they all give me the same error.
pm_lr = propagationModel("longley-rice", 'ClimateZone', 'maritime-over-sea', 'GroundPermittivity', 68, 'GroundConductivity', 5.5);
tx = txsite('Name','TX1', 'CoordinateSystem','cartesian', 'AntennaPosition', [0; 0; 1], 'AntennaHeight',1, 'TransmitterFrequency',101.5e6, 'TransmitterPower', 1);
rx = rxsite('Name','RX', 'CoordinateSystem','cartesian', 'AntennaPosition', [1000; 0; 1], 'AntennaHeight', 1);
[tx_loss, tx_info] = pathloss(pm_lr, rx, tx, 'Map', 'none');
The cartesian coordinate system is not well documented, but I think that I have everything correct. I get the following error:
Error using rfprop.PropagationModel/pathloss
Terrain propagation models are not supported for sites with 'CoordinateSystem' set to 'cartesian'.
Error in rfprop.LongleyRice/pathloss (line 152)
[pl, info] = pathloss@rfprop.PropagationModel(pm, rxs, txs, varargin{:});
I've tried with the 'Map' input and without the 'Map' input. nothing seems to work. Not sure if this feature really works with pathloss even though it is mentioned in the documentation.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.