Adding anonymous functions stored in a cell

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a cell of functions, which I want to add after integration of each in the cell. Further, I have to multply each fucntion with a constant from another cell. This new cells of anonymous functions thus obtained is to be added .i.e the elements have to be summed up. I tried using a for loop. Following is a approach I used,but I do not seem to be getting the right constant i.e. in the function MATLAB just shows cons{j} instead of the actual value stored there (a symbolic constant). Neither am I getting the summed up total funtion. Kindly help.
f = {@(x)x , @(x)x^2}
syms a b
c = {a b}
g = @(y) y
h = 0;
for j=1:length(2)
h = @(x) c{j}*integral(f{j}(x), 0,1) + h


Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2024-1-2
Use symbolic integration -
syms x a b
f = {x x^2}
f = 1×2 cell array
{[x]} {[x^2]}
c = [a b];
h = 0;
for j=1:numel(f)
h = c(j)*int(f{j}, x, 0, 1) + h;
h = 
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