signals booster for random signals

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
hello i would like to ask how to create a random signals booster using matlab and simulink. it works similar to a 5g wifi booster but with random signals. thanks very much.


Ayush Modi
Ayush Modi 2024-1-11
I understand you would like to generate a random signal and boost it with a boost factor. You can achieve this in "Matlab" using "randn" function. Here is an example to demonstrate how you can accomplish this:
fs = 1e3; % Sampling frequency (Hz)
t = 0:1/fs:1-1/fs; % Time vector
randomSignal = randn(size(t)) % Generate Gaussian noise
randomSignal = 1×1000
-1.3482 -0.3966 0.3447 -0.0224 0.0609 0.3367 0.3766 0.6757 -0.7913 0.1445 -0.3929 -0.3885 -1.4137 1.0384 0.6089 1.6174 0.7861 0.0964 0.1965 -2.1773 0.1968 -1.2690 0.7163 -0.2982 0.6974 0.2624 -2.3251 -0.5552 0.6236 -1.3616
% Define the gain (Amplification factor)
gain = 10; % Boost factor
% Boost the signal
boostedSignal = gain * randomSignal
boostedSignal = 1×1000
-13.4817 -3.9664 3.4468 -0.2240 0.6090 3.3674 3.7663 6.7570 -7.9130 1.4448 -3.9292 -3.8853 -14.1373 10.3838 6.0893 16.1742 7.8608 0.9644 1.9653 -21.7729 1.9676 -12.6897 7.1630 -2.9821 6.9736 2.6238 -23.2511 -5.5519 6.2360 -13.6156
Alternatively, you can achieve this using the "Random Source" block to generate random signal and "Gain" block to amplify the signal.
Please refer to the following MathWorks documentation for more information on:
I hope this helps!

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