I'm having multiple problems with my code and i dont know where to ask

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I'm in need of assistance on my current project about kalman filters. I tried to create a code with the help of chat gpt but it got out of hand pretty fast. Where and how can i get some assistance i have no idea. Any suggestion is welcome and thanks in advance.

回答(1 个)

I understand that you’re looking for resources to help with your project on Kalman filters in MATLAB. Here are some suggestions:
  1. Online Tutorials and Documentation: MathWorks, the company that develops MATLAB, provides extensive documentation and tutorials. For instance, you can refer to the “Understanding Kalman Filters” tutorial1 and the “Kalman Filtering” documentation23 provided by MathWorks.
  2. Online Courses: There are online courses available that cover Kalman filters extensively. Coursera offers various courses on Kalman filters4. There’s also a free course on Class Central titled "Kalman Filter for Beginners, Part 1"5.
  3. Books: There are several books that provide a comprehensive understanding of Kalman filters with MATLAB examples. Some of them are:
  1. MATLAB Central and File Exchange: MATLAB Central is a forum where the MATLAB community exchanges ideas, and File Exchange is a part of it where users share code. You can find a “Kalman Filter Tutorial” on File Exchange10 and another tutorial titled "Kalman Filter in Matlab"11.
Remember, understanding Kalman filters and implementing them in MATLAB can be complex, so take your time to understand the underlying theory. Start with simple examples and gradually move to more complex scenarios. Good luck with your project! Let me know if you need further assistance.

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