How to add kalman filter to the Lidar odometry and mapping slam present in the mathworks document?

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This is the code to perform LOAM for the self driving car moving around the parking lot, now how to add kalman filter in this code given below:
% Load reference path % 60 vehicles are parked
data = load("parkingLotReferenceData.mat");
% Set reference trajectory of the ego vehicle
refPosesX = data.refPosesX;
refPosesY = data.refPosesY;
refPosesT = data.refPosesT;
% Set poses of the parked vehicles
parkedPoses = data.parkedPoses;
% Display the reference trajectory and the parked vehicle locations
sceneName = "LargeParkingLot";
hScene = figure(Name="Large Parking Lot",NumberTitle="off");
hold on
plot(refPosesX(:,2),refPosesY(:,2),LineWidth=2,DisplayName="Reference Path");
scatter(parkedPoses(:,1),parkedPoses(:,2),[],"filled",DisplayName="Parked Vehicles");
xlim([-60 40])
ylim([10 60])
hScene.Position = [100 100 1000 500]; % Resize figure
title("Large Parking Lot")
modelName = 'GenerateLidarDataOfParkingLot';
if ~ispc
error("Unreal Engine Simulation is supported only on Microsoft" + char(174) + " Windows" + char(174) + ".");
% Run simulation
simOut = sim(modelName);
ptCloudArr = helperGetPointClouds(simOut);
groundTruthPosesLidar = helperGetLidarGroundTruth(simOut);
ptCloud = ptCloudArr(1);
nextPtCloud = ptCloudArr(2);
gridStep = 0.5;
tform = pcregisterloam(ptCloud,nextPtCloud,gridStep);
egoRadius = 3.5;
cylinderRadius = 50;
selectedIdx = findPointsInCylinder(ptCloud,[egoRadius cylinderRadius]);
ptCloud = select(ptCloud,selectedIdx,OutputSize="full");
selectedIdx = findPointsInCylinder(nextPtCloud,[egoRadius cylinderRadius]);
nextPtCloud = select(nextPtCloud,selectedIdx,OutputSize="full");
hold on
title("Cylindrical Neighborhood")
maxPlanarSurfacePoints = 8;
points = detectLOAMFeatures(ptCloud,MaxPlanarSurfacePoints=maxPlanarSurfacePoints);
nextPoints = detectLOAMFeatures(nextPtCloud,MaxPlanarSurfacePoints=maxPlanarSurfacePoints);
hold on
title("LOAM Points")
[~,rmseValue] = pcregisterloam(points,nextPoints);
disp(['RMSE: ' num2str(rmseValue)])
points = downsampleLessPlanar(points,gridStep);
hold on
title('LOAM Points After Downsampling the Less Planar Surface Points')
absPose = groundTruthPosesLidar(1);
relPose = rigidtform3d;
vSetOdometry = pcviewset;
viewId = 1;
vSetOdometry = addView(vSetOdometry,viewId,absPose);
% Display the parking lot scene with the reference trajectory
hScene = figure(Name="Large Parking Lot",NumberTitle="off");
hold on
xlim([-60 40])
ylim([10 60])
hScene.Position = [100 100 1000 500];
numSkip = 5;
for k = (numSkip+1):numSkip:numel(ptCloudArr)
prevPoints = points;
viewId = viewId + 1;
ptCloud = ptCloudArr(k);
% Select a cylindrical neighborhood of interest.
selectedIdx = findPointsInCylinder(ptCloud,[egoRadius cylinderRadius]);
ptCloud = select(ptCloud,selectedIdx,OutputSize="full");
% Detect LOAM points and downsample the less planar surface points
points = detectLOAMFeatures(ptCloud,MaxPlanarSurfacePoints=maxPlanarSurfacePoints);
points = downsampleLessPlanar(points,gridStep);
% Register the points using the previous relative pose as an initial
% transformation
relPose = pcregisterloam(points,prevPoints,InitialTransform=relPose);
% Update the absolute pose and store it in the view set
absPose = rigidtform3d(absPose.A * relPose.A);
vSetOdometry = addView(vSetOdometry,viewId,absPose);
% Visualize the absolute pose in the parking lot scene
xlim([-60 40])
ylim([10 60])
title("Build a Map Using Lidar Odometry")
legend(["Ground Truth","Estimated Position"])
absPose = groundTruthPosesLidar(1);
relPose = rigidtform3d;
vSetMapping = pcviewset;
ptCloud = ptCloudArr(1);
selectedIdx = findPointsInCylinder(ptCloud,[egoRadius cylinderRadius]);
ptCloud = select(ptCloud,selectedIdx,OutputSize="full");
points = detectLOAMFeatures(ptCloud,'MaxPlanarSurfacePoints',maxPlanarSurfacePoints);
points = downsampleLessPlanar(points,gridStep);
viewId = 1;
vSetMapping = addView(vSetMapping,viewId,absPose);
voxelSize = 0.1;
loamMap = pcmaploam(voxelSize);
% Display the parking lot scene with the reference trajectory
hScene = figure(Name="Large Parking Lot",NumberTitle="off");
hold on
xlim([-60 40])
ylim([10 60])
hScene.Position = [100 100 1000 500];
for k = (numSkip+1):numSkip:numel(ptCloudArr)
prevPtCloud = ptCloud;
prevPoints = points;
viewId = viewId + 1;
ptCloud = ptCloudArr(k);
% Select a cylindrical neighborhood of interest.
selectedIdx = findPointsInCylinder(ptCloud,[egoRadius cylinderRadius]);
ptCloud = select(ptCloud,selectedIdx,OutputSize="full");
% Detect LOAM points and downsample the less planar surface points
points = detectLOAMFeatures(ptCloud,MaxPlanarSurfacePoints=maxPlanarSurfacePoints);
points = downsampleLessPlanar(points,gridStep);
% Register the points using the previous relative pose as an initial
% transformation
relPose = pcregisterloam(points,prevPoints,MatchingMethod="one-to-one",InitialTransform=relPose);
% Find the refined absolute pose that aligns the points to the map
absPose = findPose(loamMap,points,relPose);
% Store the refined absolute pose in the view set
vSetMapping = addView(vSetMapping,viewId,absPose);
% Add the new points to the map
% Visualize the absolute pose in the parking lot scene
xlim([-60 40])
ylim([10 60])
title("Build a Map Using Lidar Mapping")
legend(["Ground Truth","Estimated Position"])
% Get the ground truth trajectory
groundTruthTrajectory = vertcat(groundTruthPosesLidar.Translation);
% Get the estimated trajectories
odometryPositions = vertcat(vSetOdometry.Views.AbsolutePose.Translation);
mappingPositions = vertcat(vSetMapping.Views.AbsolutePose.Translation);
% Plot the trajectories
plot3(groundTruthTrajectory(:,1),groundTruthTrajectory(:,2),groundTruthTrajectory(:,3),LineWidth=2,DisplayName="Ground Truth")
hold on
plot3(mappingPositions(:,1),mappingPositions(:,2),mappingPositions(:,3),LineWidth=2,DisplayName="Odometry and Mapping")
title("Compare Trajectories")
% Select the poses to compare
selectedGroundTruth = groundTruthTrajectory(1:numSkip:end,:);
% Compute the RMSE
rmseOdometry = rmse(selectedGroundTruth,odometryPositions,"all");
rmseWithMapping = rmse(selectedGroundTruth,mappingPositions,"all");
disp(['RMSE of the trajectory estimated with Odometry: ' num2str(rmseOdometry)])
disp(['RMSE of the trajectory estimated with Odometry and Mapping: ' num2str(rmseWithMapping)])
function ptCloudArr = helperGetPointClouds(simOut)
% Extract signal
ptCloudData = simOut.ptCloudData.signals.values;
% Create a pointCloud array
ptCloudArr = pointCloud(ptCloudData(:,:,:,2)); % Ignore first frame
for n = 1:size(ptCloudData,4)
ptCloudArr(end+1) = pointCloud(ptCloudData(:,:,:,n)); %#ok<AGROW>
function gTruth = helperGetLidarGroundTruth(simOut)
numFrames = size(simOut.lidarLocation.time,1);
gTruth = repmat(rigidtform3d,numFrames-1,1);
for i = 1:numFrames
gTruth(i).Translation = squeeze(simOut.lidarLocation.signals.values(:,:,i));
% Ignore the roll and the pitch rotations since the ground is flat
yaw = double(simOut.lidarOrientation.signals.values(:,3,i));
gTruth(i).R = [cos(yaw) -sin(yaw) 0;
sin(yaw) cos(yaw) 0;
0 0 1];

回答(1 个)

To integrate an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) with your Lidar Odometry and Mapping (LOAM) SLAM system, follow these steps:
  1. Define the State Vector: Include the position and orientation of the vehicle in the state vector.
  2. Define the Measurement Vector: Use the Lidar data as your measurement vector.
  3. Define the State Transition Model: This model should predict how the vehicle's state evolves over time.
  4. Define the Measurement Model: Establish how the Lidar measurements relate to the vehicle's state.
  5. Initialize the State Vector and Covariance Matrix: Start with initial estimates for the state and its uncertainty.
  6. Predict the State and Covariance: Use the state transition model to forecast the next state and update the covariance matrix with the process noise.
  7. Update the State and Covariance: Adjust the state estimate with the new Lidar measurements and refine the covariance.
  8. Iterate: Repeat the prediction and update steps for each new Lidar measurement.
Here's a MATLAB code template for implementing the EKF:
% Simulation parameters
dt = 0.1; % Time step (seconds)
num_time_steps = 50; % Number of simulation steps
% Initial state [x_position; y_position; x_velocity; y_velocity]
x = [0; 0; 1; 1]; % The robot starts at the origin moving at 1 m/s
% Initial covariance matrix
P = eye(4) * 0.1; % Small initial uncertainty
% Process noise covariance matrix (tuned for this example)
Q = diag([0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01]);
% Measurement noise covariance matrix (tuned for this example)
R = diag([0.05, 0.05]); % Only position is measured
% State transition model (constant velocity model)
F = [1 0 dt 0; 0 1 0 dt; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1];
% Measurement model (we directly measure position)
H = [1 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0];
% Simulate some measurements (noisy observations of the position)
true_position = [0; 0]; % True initial position
measured_positions = zeros(2, num_time_steps);
for i = 1:num_time_steps
% Assume the robot moves linearly with constant velocity
true_position = true_position + [dt; dt];
% Simulate the measurement with added noise
measured_positions(:, i) = true_position + randn(2, 1) * sqrt(R(1, 1));
% Run the EKF
for i = 1:num_time_steps
% Predict the state and covariance
x = F * x; % State prediction
P = F * P * F' + Q; % Covariance prediction
% Update the state and covariance with new Lidar measurements
z = measured_positions(:, i); % Current Lidar measurements
K = P * H' / (H * P * H' + R); % Kalman gain
x = x + K * (z - H * x); % Updated state estimate
P = (eye(4) - K * H) * P; % Updated covariance estimate
% Display the state estimate
disp(['Time step ' num2str(i) ':']);
disp(['Estimated State: ' num2str(x')]);
Replace the placeholders with your actual system models and noise characteristics. You can refer to the following documentation for more details on EKF implementation:
I hope this helps with your implementation.

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