Matlab version for Jetson Nano and jetpack 4.6.1

13 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear community,
I am just asking for information about which version of MATLAB is supported for Jetson nano and jetpack version 4.6.1. I am using MATLAB2019b. which is old and the deep learning network interface is not giving the data and training option which is avialbale on 2023b but its not supported the jetpack version.
Any response will be helpfull. Thanks.


Sanchari 2024-2-14
Hi Limon,
MATLAB support for NVIDIA Jetson platforms, including the Jetson Nano, is provided through the GPU Coder Toolbox. This toolbox allows you to generate CUDA code from MATLAB code, specifically tailored for NVIDIA GPUs. The generated code can then be deployed to the Jetson Nano for execution.
However, there is a common problem with the compatibility of the toolbox capabilities and MATLAB versions R2016a and above. Please refer this link for the current workaround, Please get R2017a and install the patch as instructed in the report.
Also consider referring the following links for further knowledge:
  1. Hardware Support Package System Requirements (MathWorks Documentation):
  2. Deep learning Neural Network support (ML Answers):
Hope this solves your query!

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