Using custom weights and cfg file, is there a clear documentation in Matlab to use them for yolov3 object detection?

11 次查看(过去 30 天)
The code below is working if we are using the pretrained model but not your own weights and cfg files.
% Load YOLOv3 model
yolov3 = yolov3ObjectDetector('darknet53-coco');
  2 个评论
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2024-1-19
It is my understanding that, if you want to use custom weights, you will need to retrain the model. Can you say more about what you want to do? What type of data is in your cfg file?
Hanes Ongos
Hanes Ongos 2024-1-21
Hi Cris, I have the images to be used. I also have done the annotations. I have done the training in google Colab and have generated the weights, the cfg and the .names files. I only want to detect person so I have modified my cf and .names files. Is there a way to use these files in Matlab for human detection? It seems I can't find any clear documentation on this. Thanks!


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