Hello! I translated the error you encountered to English and it says:
The error occurred while using: trainNetwork
The feature dimension of the training sequence is 10 by 10, but the input layer requires a sequence with a feature dimension of 10.
Error in ziken32 (line 55)
net = trainNetwork(featuresReshaped, labels, layers, options);
I looked at the code snippets you provided and I think the reason this error has come is because the variable "featuresReshaped" is of dimensions 10x10. However, in the variable "layers" which defines the layers of the neural network, we see that the first layer expects an input of the size "featureSize". In the code snippet, the value of "featureSize" is 10.
So, checking and revising the dimensions of the "featuresReshaped" variable and ensuring that it matches the expected input shape for the network's input layer should resolve this error.
Hope this helps!