2023a Hangs on selecting variable index, 2019b doesn't

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
When I select the text in a variable index for example the (Ti, Hi) portion of variable somevariable(Ti, Hi)=, matlab hangs for about 16 seconds and processor utilization jumps up before it selects the text "(Ti, Hi)" and processor utilization goes down.
I should note:
-It does this in 2023a, not 2019b
- It does this on my old computer and a brand new much more powerful computer
- There are 53,248 instances of (Ti, Hi), so matlab could be going through each one to highlight them all on the screen. But 2019b doesnt do this.
Is there some feature that 2023a has that 2019b doesnt that I can turn off in 2023a? or some other solution?
  1 个评论
Ashutosh Thakur
Ashutosh Thakur 2024-6-20
Can you share these MATLAB variables in the form of a MAT file so that I can check this at my end?


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