How to get input values for a known output value.

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I have trained a Gaussian process regression machine learning model which has six input variables and one output variable. I have 50 observations. So, I have a table of 50*6 for input values and 50*1 for output values. Out of six input variables, three input variables have values between 0.4 to 1 and remaining three input variables have values between 1 to 5. Out of 50 observations, 45 observations are used for learning and remaining 5 observations for prediction. I want to find the values of input variables (within same ranges of 0.4 to 1 and 1 to 5 or different ranges) for a known value of output variable.
X = readmatrix(fullfile(matlabdrive,'an','X.xlsx'),'Range','C1:H45');
Y = readmatrix(fullfile(matlabdrive,'an','Y.xlsx'),'Range','C1:C45');
modell = fitrgp(X,Y,'Basis','linear','FitMethod','exact','PredictMethod','exact');
Xp = readmatrix(fullfile(matlabdrive,'an','Xp.xlsx'),'Range','C1:H5');
Ypl = predict(modell,Xp);
  4 个评论
Matt J
Matt J 2024-1-25
So, it doesn't matter ot you that the solution may be non-unique?



Matt J
Matt J 2024-1-25
One possibility might be to use fmincon to search for a minimum norm solution,
fun=@(Xp) norm(Xp).^2;
nonlcon=@(Xp) deal([],predict(modell,Xp)-Ypl );

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