code generation for simulink models

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
how to generate code for simulink models??i am using simpower systems and whenever i go for generate code it says change the solver.. and if at all code is generated then what format would it be in?? can i get in .m format??


Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind 2011-11-10
Only fixed-step solvers are supported for code-generation, because variable-step solvers "go back" in simulation time to adjust for error tolerances, which does not make sense in real-time systems.
The code generated from Simulink/Embedded Coder is C/C++.

更多回答(1 个)

Christin 2012-8-16
when generating the code for a simulink model, the mcp/mcpd file is not being generated. How can I get that file to be generated?
  3 个评论
Christin 2012-8-16
the mcp or mcpd file is the project file so that the entire project can be opened in other programs like Mplab IDE. Its mentioned in
TAB 2012-8-17
Simulink not generates any project file. It generated only .c and .h files which contains your model's implementation in C/C++ language.



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