How to modify the code to compute data on multiple inputs?

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I have attached the snap of my code, I am computing data by using vp vs and rho each of size 116 * 227. The data should be computed as e.g., data1 from vp(:,1), vs(:,1) and rho(:,1) on three theta (15 30 45) and then in the next stage: data2 from vp(:,2), vs(:,2) and rho(:,2) on three theta (15 30 45) and so on... until 227.
How can I adjust my code to perform like this? It means I should have 227 set of output data each have three traces at three theta values (as theta are 15 30 45).
  1 个评论
Jo 2024-2-4
Certainly! Here's a shorter version:
  1. Function Signature:Update the function signature to accept multiple inputs.python
  • def your_function(*inputs):
# existing code
  • Loop or Iterate:If inputs are iterable, loop through them.python
  • def process_multiple_inputs(inputs):
for input_data in inputs:
# process input_data
  • Parallel Processing:For parallel processing, consider using concurrent.futures.python
  • from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
def process_inputs_parallel(inputs):
with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
results = list(, inputs))
  • Modularization:Break code into smaller functions for readability.python
  1. def process_input(input_data):
# process individual input
def process_multiple_inputs(inputs):
results = [process_input(data) for data in inputs]
Adjust the suggestions based on your specific code and requirements.



VBBV 2024-2-4
编辑:VBBV 2024-2-4
theta = [15 30 45];
for i = 1:227 % size(vp,2)
for k = 1:length(theta)
data{i,k} = fwmod_vpvsrho(vp(:,i),vs(:,i),rho(:,i),theta(k),wav,t0,dt)
An alternate way is to use double for loop which considers the 227 output values in vector for each theta
  10 个评论
VBBV 2024-2-5
编辑:VBBV 2024-2-5
You can modify the code as below. Note that gather is cell array created for datasets of size 116 x 3. So you must use a curly brace like { } instead of parenthesis ( )
SNR = 20; % add noise
for K = 1:227
% Assuming gather(K) is a cell array
currentMatrix = gather{K};
% Extract the first column
Snear(:, K) = currentMatrix(:, 1); % first theta
Smid(:, K) = currentMatrix(:, 2); % second theta
Sfar(:, K) = currentMatrix(:, 3); % third theta
% Adding Noise
seis = var(gather{K});
var_noise = var(gather{K})./SNR;
std_noise = sqrt(seis./SNR);
Noise_data1 = data{K,1} + std_noise.*randn(size(data{K,1})); % first theta
Noise_data2 = data{K,2} + std_noise.*randn(size(data{K,2})); % second theta
Noise_data3 = data{K,3} + std_noise.*randn(size(data{K,3})); % third theta
Noise_gather{K} = [Noise_data1 Noise_data2 Noise_data3] ;
Regarding the adding of noise data, the code can be modified as above. Also note that, you aleady have variable named gather so use a different variable name for gathering noise data e.g. Noise_gather
Ahmed 2024-2-6
编辑:Ahmed 2024-2-6
@VBBV Thanks and there is an error here:
Because size of std_noise is 1 3 and size of randn(size(data{K,1})) = 116 227.
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in M_2D_Forward (line 63)
Noise_data1 = data{K,1} + std_noise.*randn(size(data{K,1})); % first theta


更多回答(1 个)

Aquatris 2024-2-3
编辑:Aquatris 2024-2-3
Next time please copy paste the code, not screen shot :D
You did not provide full info to get an answer since I have no idea how fwmod_vpvsrho function you have.
Having said that you can either modify your fwmod_vpvsrho function to allow an array inputs for theta variable or you can do:
for i = 1:length(theta)
data(:,:,i) = fwmod_vpvsrho(vp,vs,rho,theta(i),wav,t0,dt)
WIth this data(:,:,i) refers to the data at theta(i). so the data variable is a 116x227x3 matrix.
  1 个评论
Ahmed 2024-2-4
@Aquatris Thaks, but the oupt this way is 227x227x3 instead of 116x227x3?
This is code given below. How can I read all 227 datasets separately as data1 = 116x3?
rho = rho.*1000;
vs(vs==0) = 100;
ip = vp.*rho; is = vs.*rho;
Travel_min = 2.0; Travel_max = 2.2;
ti = linspace(Travel_min,Travel_max,116)';
ti = ti';
%% Wavelet
dt = ti(2)-ti(1);
nt = 116;
f0 = 30; %t = TWT;
t0 = 2/f0;
[wav,t] = Ricker(f0, t0, nt, dt);
wav = wav.'; t0_i = floor(t0/dt);
time = ti; %figure, plot(wav)
wav = repmat(wav, 1, 227);
%% Angles
angles = [15 30 45];
theta = angles*pi/180;
%% Forward model
for i = 1:length(theta)
data(:,:,i) = fwmod_vpvsrho(vp,vs,rho,theta(i),wav,t0,dt);
% Functions
function [synth] = fwmod_vpvsrho(vp,vs,rho,theta,wav,t0,dt)
t0_i = floor(t0/dt);
Nl = length(vp);
trc = Aki_Richards(vp,vs,rho,theta);
synth = conv2(wav, trc);
synth = synth(1+t0_i:Nl+t0_i,:);
function Rpp = Aki_Richards(vp, vs, rho, theta)
Nt = length(vp);
Ntheta = length(theta);
Rpp = zeros(Nt,Ntheta);
sin2 = sin(theta).^2;
tan2 = tan(theta).^2;
for i = 1:Nt-1
dvp = vp(i+1) - vp(i);
dvs = vs(i+1) - vs(i);
drho = rho(i+1) - rho(i);
vpm = (vp(i+1) + vp(i))/2;
vsm = (vs(i+1) + vs(i))/2;
rhom = (rho(i+1) + rho(i))/2;
Rpp(i,:) = 0.5*(1 + (tan2)).*(dvp/vpm) - 4*(((vsm/vpm)^2)*dvs/vsm).*sin2 + 0.5*(1 -4*((vsm/vpm)^2).*sin2)*(drho/rhom);


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