getting error unrecognized method property or field
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unrecognized method property or field
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The code says
L_Active = app.RelativeLigandConcentrationActivetoEC50EditField.Value;
but that component is called
note "Activeto" vs "toActive".
There are several other places where app properties and variables are misspelled in the code. I've fixed all the ones I found and attached a new version of the app.
It's a good idea to copy and paste the component name, rather than typing it all out manually, to decrease the chance of making a typing error, especially when the name is very long (and/or use shorter names).
2 个评论
There were several inputs and outputs missing from your Corefile definition. (I know when an input is missing because I get an error about an undefined variable in Corefile, and I know when an output is missing because I get an error about an undefined variable in the app function after Corefile is called.)
I added them. Please see attached app and Corefile.m file.
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