Pedestrian Detection using Lidar point cloud which is self labelled using lidar labeller app and is in my workspace

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I have lidar labelled data in my matlab workspace and now i want to perform Pedestrian detection algorithm on it but the data is very unstructured no code is working on it so in which fomat should the data be and how to perform the task. i am providing the properties of lidar data which i laelled in lidar labeller app and is in my workspace.
gTruth =
groundTruthLidar with properties:
DataSource: [1×1 vision.labeler.loading.PointCloudSequenceSource]
LabelDefinitions: [1×5 table]
LabelData: [500×1 timetable]
>> gTruth.DataSource ans =
PointCloudSequenceSource with properties: Name: "Point Cloud Sequence" Description: "A PointCloud sequence reader" SourceName: "C:\Users\asus\Desktop\Lidar\Lidar" SourceParams: [1×1 struct] SignalName: "Lidar" SignalType: PointCloud Timestamp: {[500×1 duration]} NumSignals: 1 >> gTruth.LabelDefinitions ans = 1×5 table Name Type LabelColor Group Description ______________ ______ ________________________ ________ ___________ {'Pedestrian'} Cuboid {[0.5862 0.8276 0.3103]} {'None'} {0×0 char} >> gTruth.LabelData ans = 500×1 timetable Time Pedestrian ___________ ____________ 00:00.00000 {3×9 double} 00:01.00000 {3×9 double} 00:02.00000 {4×9 double} 00:03.00000 {4×9 double} 00:04.00000 {4×9 double} 00:05.00000 {4×9 double} 00:06.00000 {4×9 double} : : 08:13.00000 {4×9 double} 08:14.00000 {4×9 double} 08:15.00000 {4×9 double} 08:16.00000 {4×9 double} 08:17.00000 {4×9 double} 08:18.00000 {4×9 double} 08:19.00000 {4×9 double} this is the info about my data so what should be the variable related to lidarpointclouds

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