How to extract data only along a path consisting of multiple longitude and latitude pair points using MATLAB

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Dear all,
I have gridded extinction coefficient data (model output) and I want to extract the data only along the CALIPSO swath so that I can validate the model extinction coefficient with the CALIPSO-retrieved extinction coefficient (Just like the attached screenshot which is taken from Kumar et al. (2014)). Now, I have read the longitude, latitude, and altitdue (pressure) from CALIPSO aerosol profile data and the size of both longitude and latitude vectors is 1*781 and size of altitude vector is 399*1. However, the model extinction coefficient is a matrix with size of 901*501*12 (lon*lat*plev). So, I want to extract the extinction coefficient value from the gridded model output (901*501*12) along only the 1*781 latitude-longitude pair points. How to do that in MATLAB? I tried the following code but it didn't work:
% Find the indices of the nearest grid points
lon_indices = arrayfun(@(lon) find(abs(longitude - lon) == min(abs(longitude - lon))), CALIPSO_lon);
lat_indices = arrayfun(@(lat) find(abs(latitude - lat) == min(abs(latitude - lat))), CALIPSO_lat);
% Extract data along the given latitude and longitude points
EXTCOFF_alongpoints = EXTCOFF(lon_indices, lat_indices, :);
where, 'longitude' and 'latitude' are the extracted longitude and latitude from model output, 'CALIPSO_lon' and 'CALIPSO_lat' are the longitudes and latitudes of CALIPSO aerosol profile data, and EXTCOFF is the model extinction coefficient matrix.
So, can anyone please guide me to solve this issue? That will be very helpful for me. Thank you for your time and consideration.
With regards,
  3 个评论
ANKAN SARKAR 2024-2-13
I have attached all the required .mat files (Note: The 'EXTCOFF_model.mat' file with 901*501*12 (lon*lat*plev) was more than 5 MB in size, so I had to take mean over all the pressure levels to upload here. That's why it has only two dimension (901*501). But I want to extract from the mat file with lon*lat*plev dimensions so that I can plot vertical cross section just like the figure attached). Can you please guide me to solve this problem? That will be really helpful for me.
With regards,



Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2024-2-14
ok, this is just to expose the principle... still I need from you the correct lon, lat range for the EXTCOFF_model
basically , the main task is realized with interp2
also note I played a bit with some data so the CALIPSO swath (line) would cross some interesting portion of the EXTCOFF_model data
also note I displayed the z data in log scale so the trace appears more clearly above the data
EXTCOFF_alongpoints data points appear as this line , which I slightly shifted (+0.15 in log10 base) towards higher Z values so the line appears better vs the background.
see the color (amplitude) along the line matches the EXTCOFF_model data at the corresponding lon , lat values
% load lon, lat data CALIPSO
% alt 399x1 3192 double
% lat 1x781 6248 double
% lon 1x781 6248 double
r = 5;
CALIPSO_lon = lon(1:r:numel(lon))-3; % shifted this coordinate to make the line goes where I wanted
CALIPSO_lat = lat(1:r:numel(lat))+0; % shifted this coordinate to make the line goes where I wanted
% CALIPSO_alt = alt; % not used yet
clear lat lon alt
% load lon, lat data EXTCOFF (901*501*12 (lon*lat*plev) )
[m,n] = size(EXTCOFF);
% here it's the mean accross all altitudes so dim is (901*501*1 (lon*lat*plev) )
EXTCOFF_lon = linspace(63,73,m); % need to double check that !!
EXTCOFF_lat = linspace(0,40,n); % need to double check that !!
% Extract data along the given latitude and longitude points
% plot the data
imagesc(EXTCOFF_lat,EXTCOFF_lon,log10(EXTCOFF)); % NB log scale on z data for better rendering
hold on
scatter3(CALIPSO_lat,CALIPSO_lon,EXTCOFF_alongpoints,50,log10(EXTCOFF_alongpoints)+0.15,'filled') % NB log scale on z data for better rendering
hold off
  5 个评论
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2024-2-15
this is what I can now offer including the 3rd dimension , NB that the output is only a short segment because we have only 3 values of alt to use in the 3D interpolation (size of EXTCOFF array)
% load lon, lat data CALIPSO
% alt 399x1 3192 double
% lat 1x781 6248 double
% lon 1x781 6248 double
% resample "alt" so it has the same number of elements as "lat" and "lon"
alt2 = interp1(1:numel(alt),alt,linspace(1,numel(alt),numel(lon)));
r = 8; % decimate so we go faster
CALIPSO_lon = lon(1:r:numel(lon));
CALIPSO_lat = lat(1:r:numel(lat));
CALIPSO_alt = alt2(1:r:numel(alt2));
CALIPSO_lon = CALIPSO_lon(:);
CALIPSO_lat = CALIPSO_lat(:);
CALIPSO_alt = CALIPSO_alt(:); % not used yet
clear lat lon alt alt2
% load lon, lat data EXTCOFF (901*501*12 (lon*lat*plev) )
[m,n,l] = size(EXTCOFF);
% Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
% lat_Model 501x1 4008 double
% lon_Model 901x1 7208 double
% plev_Model 12x1 96 double
EXTCOFF_lon = lon_Model; %
EXTCOFF_lat = lat_Model; %
EXTCOFF_alt = plev_Model(1:3); % first three pressure levels only to be consistent with 3rd dimension of EXTCOFF
% Extract data along the given latitude and longitude points
% plot the data
EXTCOFF_mean = mean(EXTCOFF,3);
hold on
hold off
ANKAN SARKAR 2024-2-15
Thank you for your response. I did the following code for the proper allignment of data as per the latitude and longitude.
load 'lat_lon_alt_CALIPSO.mat'
load 'lat_lon_alt_Model.mat'
%lat, lon and alt of CALIPSO
%lat, lon and alt of Model
%Model extinction coefficient
%Here, size of EXTCOFF is 901*501*12
EXTCOFF_2 = permute(EXTCOFF_1, [2, 1, 3]);
EXTCOFF_alongpoints = interp3(X_Model,Y_Model,Z_Model,EXTCOFF_3,X_CALIPSO,Y_CALIPSO,Z_CALIPSO);
After running these lines, the sizes of X_CALIPSO,Y_CALIPSO, and Z_CALIPSO are equal i.e., 781*781*399 and sizes of X_Model,Y_Model, Z_Model and EXTCOFF_3 are equal i.e., 501*901*12 and sizes of EXTCOFF_alongpoints is 781*781*399. Is it correct now?
Now, I want to plot the vertical cross section (lat vs altitude) of model extinction coefficient just like the sample figure attached. Is it possible longitude-latitude pair ponts vs altitude vertcial cross section plot so that the cross-section comes only along the CALIPSO swath? Can you please help me to solve this problem? That will be very helpful for me. Thank you for your time and consideration.
With regards,


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